Chapter 24

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Nobody's POV:
Ino keep dragging Naruto non-stop until they're going to arrived at "somewhere"

"Ino? Where are you dragging me?" Naruto asked curiously, "well, our hangout didn't happen week ago right? So why not hang out right now?" Ino answered.

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"We're here!" Ino exclaimed waving at Sasuke, they approached him as Ino scanned him, she lean closer to him and whisper: "you should do this well-properly"

Sasuke slightly pushes ino away and he approaches Naruto with his hand hiding behind.

"Hello Sasuke." Naruto greeted, Sasuke gazed at him, nervousness is covering his body, "Greetings..Naruto." Sasuke replied.

Sasuke took out the sunflower behind his back and offered it to Naruto, "for you.." Sasuke said while offering him the sunflower.

Naruto's eyes went sparkling, as he took it, "thank you Sasuke, this is my favorite flower at the most time.. but why are you giving me?" Naruto asked curiously.

"'s just ..sunflower symbolizes your personality.. and your hair.." Sasuke uttered, his heart is rapidly beating on his chest.

'I did it..' Sasuke thought. His nervousness is fading away slowly as he stared at Naruto who's smelling the sunflower. A faint smile appeared in Sasuke's face.

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(だんご屋, Dango-ya, literally meaning: Dumpling Shop..) (in Dango shop)

Ino ordered a stick of dangos for them and also an green tea, the lady placed the dangos and the green tea on the table gently.

"Thank you." Naruto owes, "pleasure to do my job" the lady replied smiling at the sunshine boy.

Naruto held the hand of the cup and brings it into his mouth to drink some green tea, Sasuke stared at him peacefully, Ino in the left side of them is grinning, absolutely enjoying the sight of the two.

Naruto brought down the cup and turned his gaze at Sasuke, "What did you choose Sasuke? Light path or dark path?" Naruto asked, Sasuke stared at him and started to wonder what he really choses..

The day he didn't knew about Naruto's existence.. he always choses the dark path.. until then it's over, when a boy named Uzumaki Naruto came on his life to pull him back at the light path.

Sasuke understood what he truly wants and what he truly chooses.. "..Light path." Sasuke uttered.

Naruto smiled genuinely at Sasuke's response as he turned his head to Ino, "what about you Ino?" Naruto asked.

Ino paused from eating dango as she gase at Naruto, "duhh, ofcourse light path, what am I? a baddie villain?, well yes, I'm a baddie but in a good way like duhh" ino rolled her eyes and continued eating her tango.

"Well, what about you then?" Ino said while munching her dango, Naruto put his left hand on the table as he rested his chin oh his hand, he stared at Sasuke and Ino for a seconds.

He then remembered Ashina's words before he left the uzushiogakure..

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"Oi, Naruto, Mr.Ashina's looking for you." Nagato informed, "aight, thanks." Naruto uttered and went to the temple.

Naruto bowed down at his highness, "you called for me?" Naruto asked politely.

Ashina turned around and his gaze was fixated at his soon crowned prince if he pass away, "take a seat, I'll just inform you about how life is turning out." Ashina requested.

They both sat down in the Zabuton pillow, ( 'proper sitting') is the formal, traditional way of sitting in Japan. It involves a specific positioning and posture in a kneeled position so as to convey respect, particularly toward elders.)

"Naruto, do you know how life is really meant and how it turns out?" Ashina asked, Naruto slowly nodded his head.

"There's a two option of life.. The Light Path or The Dark Path.. it's anybody's choice about picking.. but you need to chose properly.. why?, listen carefully." Ashina uttered.

"The Light Path will bring you to the right path, where people acknowledge and accept you, while The Dark Park will bring you to the wrong and miserable path, where people sees you as the enemy of the world.. the villain of the story, and will treat you like an outcast.." Ashina presumed..

"When the time is going to arrive.. you have to realize and choose the path you wanted, it's all up to you, but it is truly an opportunity to chose wisely." Ashina stated as he patted Naruto's head.

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"Naruto!!" Ino yelled loudly enough to bring Naruto back to reality world.

"Owh, jeez!" Naruto covered his ears as he look up to see Ino and Sasuke with concerned look.

"What? What with the sudden yell?" Naruto ask confused, Ino crossed her arms, "We are calling for you for like minutes, did something happened? Did you got possessed?!" Ino gasped at her last sentence.

"Possessed? No?, I unnecessarily just zoomed out." Naruto turned away to avoid their gazes, "okay, you zoomed out for that long? Seriously?" Sasuke tilted his head.

"Wait, don't tell me.. you chose the dark path?! Then if you did, you're a baddie sunshine! Noo!" Ino whined.

"I chose the what?! Ofcourse not, i chose the light path, ofcourse.." Naruto stated.

.. ..... .. ... .

The sunset was already to get down, it was already dawn, the orange sky already appeared, a cold breeze was also coming.

"Well, I guess, see you tomorrow around." Naruto exclaimed, "ofcourse! Right Sasuke?" Ino asked nudging Sasuke in the shoulder.

Sasuke glared at her, as he settled his own to distance away from her, his gaze turned to Naruto and grinned.

"Why not? I could spend my time with you the whole day." Sasuke winked, as Ino coughed harshly when she heard Sasuke's response.

"Danggg Sasuke, you're getting wild aren't you? Anyways I'll just leave you both" ino whispered and left.

"Ah.. I got to go too.. but before I go.. there's something I wanted to ask you." Naruto stated, "go on, maybe i can answer your question in under 1 seconds.." Sasuke smirked.

" you like me?" Naruto asked curiously, Sasuke's smirk faded away as his expression turned into shock expression, he was taken back by Naruto's question at all..


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