Part 14

613 19 8

Sooo umm my Iphone got LCD and im borrowing my mom's phone so...forgive me if i dont update fast..

'Italic'. Kyuubi/Kurama thinking.
"Bold" Kyuubi/Kurama talking
"None" Character talking
'None' character thinking

Nobody's POV:
"Need help?" A random voice called out..

Naruto gazed at him mysteriously, he look at him up and down, the man tilted his head, wondering why Naruto is staring at him like that.

the man was a very short, old man with a triangular beard and a moustache that had angular corners, a big red nose and thick eyebrows. The top of his head was completely bald, although, he had long white hair on the lower-half of his head which is styled in a traditional chonmage hair cut, the back of which was tied with a yellow ribbon into a topknot. He wore a split apart green coat divided into four sections with yellow trimmings, and a red collar (which in the anime was seen to be worn by other high-ranking members of Iwagakure).[25] Underneath he wore the traditional Iwagakure outfit consistent of a light green version of Iwagakure's flak jacket and mesh armour. He however had both his sleeves of his shirt, but kept the single lapel on his right side. Along with this, he wore sandals.
(Sorry if it's too long help-)

"boy? do you need help?" He repeated, "ah.. yes would help a lot.." Naruto answered, He offered his hand as naruto stared at it confused.

"take my hand we'll fly.." He said, "you arent going to send us to heave, are you jiji? We're too young hehe..." Naruto chuckled nervously.

"what? Me? I will never do such thing, come on" he said, Naruto sighed and take his hand, they started to levatate.

"I'm Onoki by the way, known as the grandson of the first Tsuchikage and student of second Tsuchikage.

"I see.. that's really cool jiji.." naruto admitted, as they landed on the ground softly, "and you?"Onoki asked,"oh.. I'm Naruto Uzumaki.." Naruto uttered.

"hmm.. why are you here by the way??" Onoki asked , Naruto sweat dropped and sighed, "I.. decided to explore any village.." naruto lied.

"I see.. and is that your girlfriend?" Onoki asked, Naruto startled, "you thought wrong jiji.." naruto denied.

Onoki laughed, "well.. you two looks cute together.." Onoki teased, "oh.." naruto awkwardly uttered, "I am just kidding boy! but 50% I'm telling the truth" Onoki stated.

as an Iwagakure-nin came running to them "Master Onoki.. we need you because we have to discuss something.." she said, Onoki nodded his head.

"I'll be seeing you again next time boy.." Onoki waved to say goodbye.

.. .... ....

A minutes ago Chiyo finally woke up, she yawned softly and Naruto released her on his arms. she stretched her self slightly and rub her eyes.

naruto smiles softly at her, "did you slept well princess?" Naruto asked, Chiyo glanced at him and smiles gently, "you are so warm so.. I did Naruto-kun.." Chiyo confessed, and gave him a big smile.

"well I'm glad you slept well princess.. anyways we have arrived.." Naruto informed, Chiyo looked around and her eyes sparkled, "it's nice here!" Chiyo confessed.

Naruto slightly smiled at her, feeling slightly relieve knowing that she like this country.. "for how long we're going to stay here Naruto-kun?" Chiyo asked, "for about 1 week.." Naruto stated.

Chiyo clapped her hands happily, "but.. are you sure your dad is not looking out for you? he must be worried..." naruto stated, Chiyo stopped clapping as the smile on her face faded away, "no.. don't worry about him.. it's not like he cared for me anyways..he only cared for the land not even thinking his own daughter.. " she confessed.

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