fun [2]

195 7 31

.・゜゜・ age ~ 15-16 (1999)  ・゜゜・.

•·.·''·.·• your lips my lips,



╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮

mikey.h🐑 & c.wilson's private conversation:

mikey.h🐑: we're departing from derry now

mikey.h🐑: we'll be in LA soon

c.wilson: alr, stan, rich and i are coming to pick you guys up

c.wilson: see you soon mikey! love you 💖

mikey.h🐑:  love you too💕

╰── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╯


eddie sat nervously tapping his foot against the floor of the plane. ee was gripping the armrests tightly, leaving no room for bill or mike, who were sitting next to him. bill, mike, ben and eddie had caught a ride to the airport with ben's brother, bruce. bruce was a chill guy but gave them a ton of advice on what life would be like with the superstars. 

the cherry cassettes were all anyone could talk about, now even more so as their tour had started. richie trashmouth tozier was the teenage heart-throb of the year. girls were always all over him, always screaming out their words at the band's concerts, not worrying if they'd lose their soulmate. eddie didn't have his word yet, his birthday was yet to come. ben, bill and mike all had their words, and surprisingly the way carol and mike had the same word, 'serendipity'. it was sweet, knowing that at least one of his friends had found their soulmate. 

ben's word was 'fire'. a basic word, but he felt it was special. they always joked about ben's soulmate being a hotheaded, badass woman. bill's word was 'saudade' meaning a longing to be near someone who is distant or that has been loved or lost, but the love still remains. everyone's words were so special, and it made eddie think about what his would be. 

the aeroplane took off and eddie felt as if he were about to cry.


as the plane began to stabilize itself in the air, eddie began to relax, his grip on the armrests loosening. ben had already pulled down the tv on the aeroplane and began watching a movie. eddie recognized it as scream (1996). eddie's gaze settled on the tv, peering over ben's shoulder.

"your call..."

he quickly looked away as the masked killer attacked a poor, innocent, blonde woman. he released his hold on one of the armrests and pulled down his own tv.. he'd brought his own headphones because who knows who has put the plane earbuds in their ears? he plugged them in and scrolled through the available movies. eddie clicked on scooby-doo and waited for the flight attendant to walk by.


about halfway through 10 Things I Hate About You, the third movie eddie was watching, he felt Bill rest his head on his shoulder. bill was definitely asleep; his breathing was heavy, and his arms were sprawled across his legs and eddie's. eddie didn't try to move him, and instead just let him rest.

"we're halfway to los angeles! flight attendants will come around with food, please make sure to stay in your seats unless absolutely necessary. no smoking!" 

the pilot's cheerful voice echoed through the plane. eddie checked over to find the flight attendants, preparing by grabbing the menu fitted in the pocket of the seat in front of him. he scanned the menu, the dishes were unappetizing, but he was starving.

"hello, what can I get you, boys?" the flight attendant had already made it to them. eddie had to order for bill too. what the hell would bill like?

"hi, can I please get the tomato and cheese toastie?" mike said from next to him. eddie quickly took the opportunity to order the same thing as mike. 

"make that three please!" he said while pointing to a sleeping bill when mike gave him a questioning look. 


eddie was back to gripping onto the armrests. it'd been a long 8-hour journey but they were finally landing. eddie felt relieved. but also worried. he was about to meet the cherry cassettes. a teenage, heart throb band that every teenager was in love with. boys loved carol's singing and pretty face, and bev's drum capabilities and fiery red hair. girls loved stan's maturity, singing and handsome looks. everyone was just generally in love with richie. he was funny, he was cute, he was smart, and generally, everything anyone could want in life. except for eddie. eddie hated richie's crude humour and his stupid coke bottle glasses that everyone thought were cute. his hair looked untamed and he couldn't imagine living with someone who would play or sing anytime they got the chance. 

so when the boys got off the plane and were immediately greeted by carol, stan and richie at the airport, eddie felt like he was gonna be sick. 

"what's up, my dudes!?" richie cried while sticking his hands out to shake. ben and bill gladly shook his hand and stan's hand, but eddie just nodded. richie looked a little disappointed but continued with his jokes and smiles. 

"mike!" carol said while pulling him into a massive hug. mike hugged her back and placed a kiss on her forehead. mike was about a foot taller than her, but they looked so happy together. mike pulled away from the hug and wrapped an arm around carol's waist, pulling her closer to him. carol smiled and tried to push him away as he tried to press kisses to every inch of her face. she finally managed to push him away, still laughing and smiling. 

"anyway, how are you? how was the flight?" she said, making her way to shake the boys' hands. again, eddie passed it up.

"sorry about eddie, he's a bit of a germophobe," ben said while shaking carol's hand. carol smiled and nodded, understanding that the small, curly-haired boy was Eddie. 

"i'm carol, this is stan and r-" she began. 

"oh wuh-we k-know! i luh-love your muh-music!" bill started. "i'm bill, this is buh-ben and eddie." He said while pointing to them. carol flashed her bright smile, stan and richie doing the same

"rightio! Let's head on down to the hotel then, shall we?" richie said in a horrible british accent and gestured for the guests to follow him. "we're gonna have so much fun!"


a/n: anyway a boring filler chap from eddie's pov (kinda). i try my best but pls lmk if u have any ideas i'd love to write another book! :) enjoy!


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