boys [8]

116 6 6

.・゜゜・ age ~ 15-16 (1999)  ・゜゜・.

•·.·''·.· your lips my lips,
apocalypse •·.·''·.·



"and, if she isn't your type what is?" stan ignored richie's comment and continued.

short, boys with curly brown hair and dark brown eyes who refuse to shake anyone's hands and is studying biology with the cutest smile ever.

"i dunno." 


"oh yeah sure." richie generally sounded happy to go on a date with that bitch. well, she wasn't a bitch. not one that eddie knew personally, she was just a bitch because she was hitting on richie. like, cmon, she was pretty, but was she that pretty? 

will he look at her the way he looked at me today? god, eddie prayed not. something about the moment they had on stage together was beautiful, and he knew ben could sense it from next to him. but now richie's going out with this other girl, some girl that didn't know anything about him! granted, eddie didn't know anything about richie, but at least they'd spent time together! but richie would never date a boy. imagine the hate he would get from that. he would lose tons of fans! but let alone that, richie would never be into boys. especially, not boys like him. no, not abused, germophobes who study biology even though he would hate to touch anything remotely unsanitary. if he were to like boys, he'd probably be into those hot jocks.

it had taken eddie many years to finally understand that he had an attraction to boys, but he'd never openly come out to anyone but ben. that's why ben could tell. ben knew what was up and it scared him. do you think the cassettes can tell? no. i hope not! but eddie didn't have  crush on richie, so why did it matter? but i don't want him to date that bitch! but then that means you have a crush on him right? no! i don't! 

everything made eddie want to tear his hair out! eddie had been standing in the middle of the hallway, a corner away from richie's dressing room because he was planning on going to talk to richie. no, now he had to go somewhere else. probably the hotel. yes. the hotel. 


eddie slammed the hotel door behind him, immediately dropping all his stuff at the foot of the bed, sliding off his shoes and flopping onto the bed. he checked the time on the alarm clock that sat on the bedside table, reading 11:35pm. 

holy shit, i did not realise their concert finished so late! eddie's mind drifted off into sleep, not caring that he was sleeping in dirty clothes because for once, something bigger was occupying his mind. something that he could not control. 


"eds?" a soft voice whispered into the darkness. luckily for this soft voice, eddie was not 100% asleep. 

"yes? is that you, stan?" he whispered back, sitting up in his bed. instead, eddie was greeted by richie, wearing sweatpants (that were way too big for him) that hung loosely around his waist, and a shirt that was a little too short for him. and again, he looked hot. but doesn't he always look hot? he looked beautiful on stage. eddie's mouth formed a small 'o' shape before richie opened his mouth to speak. 

"is it alright if i sleep in here? bill and stan wanted to watch more movies together with ben and bev and stan gave me his card. if you don't want me to sleep here i can go-"

"no, its fine rich, you can sleep here." eddie said, letting his head hit the pillows again. 

" was your day?" richie whispered back into the darkness. eddie didn't really want to respond, he just wanted to say why don't you ask your stupid bitch of a girlfriend. but if he couldn't have richie- not that he wanted him like that- he still wanted to be his friend. 

"good. what about you?" eddie shifted in his bed, staring at the blank ceiling. 

"shit." richie replied. this made a little curious. how could it be shit if you just got a date?

"why 'shit'" eddie wasn't really thinking. 

"because, i agreed to go on a date with a girl i don't like. and she's not even my type."  that's a good sign

"so then what is your type?" yeah, what could his type be?

"i dunno. girls who are pretty on the inside? that's a stupid answer. what about you? what's your type?" well, boys? especially boys with black curly hair and coke bottle glasses with the stupidest smile and laugh, who jokes like nothing else matters. 

"boys" shit. 


a/n: oh fuck. eddie just came out to richie 😱😱😱😰😰🤯🤯

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