mine belong on you [20]

110 4 42

.・゜゜・ age ~ 15-16 (1999)  ・゜゜・.

•·.·''·.· your lips my lips,
apocalypse •·.·''·.·



="hey, rich." richie watched as eddie walked into the party home. richie felt his mouth drop. eddie's legs were covered in fishnets, disappearing behind his black leather shorts that hiked up his ass too much, it hurt richie. half of eddie's stomach was on display and it turned richie on. 

"rich?" eddie walked closer, snapping his fingers in front of his face. 

"oh, uhm. hi eddie- eds- eddie spaghetti- eddo-" richie was cut off by eddie rolling his eyes and dragging him away to the drinks. "eds do ya drink?" richie poured himself a cup of whisky and held it out to eddie. eddie shook his head and pushed the cup back. 

"nah, i'm gonna find bill and i'll be right back." eddie smiled, turning around making it difficult for richie to control himself. it wouldn't hurt to kiss him tonight, right? tomorrow's his birthday and betty and i are on a break? 

richie's mind was flooding with dirty thoughts so much that he had to close his eyes and turn away from eddie's ass. he opened his eyes, surprisingly settling on bev. he moved through the crowds to reach her, finding her talking to some other girl, both of them sharing a cigarette. 

"hey bev." richie slung his free arm around bev's shoulders, one hand still gripping his drink. 

"hey rich." she replied, holding out the cigarette up to his face. he opened his mouth and she put it in between his lips. 


richie and bev had been talking to this girl, and more people as they stopped by and went, for a

"can i talk to you privately?" richie whispered into bev's ear, pulling the cigarette from between his lips and passing it back to her. he turned his attention back to the girl opposite them and threw a small smile to her. bev did the same as they walked away toward the bathroom. 

"bev, did ya see what eds' wearing?! it's fuckin' driving me crazy!" richie slurred his words. "i wanna pull 'im by his face and kiss 'im all 'ver and tell 'im that he's the only person i'll ever love!" bev just stared richie dead in his face. 

"so tell him that." bev said, swishing her, now long, red hair to one side and walking away, a cigar between her fingers. richie turned around, eyes now searching for eddie. richie was very clearly drunk by now. he bumped into a number of people, before his eyes settled on eddie. eddie was making out with a man who looked a lot older than the two of them. what the fuck? 

richie watched as another male, about their age- he recognized him as a kid named chris baker quickly made his way over to eddie and then man, eddie's arms were by pushing at the man's chest but the man was pulling eddie in by his waist. eddie's eyes were open, searching the room for someone to help him. richie growled and began to run at the man and eddie. 

"get the fuck off him!" chris growled, his lanky build managing to push the older man off eddie. now that the man was off eddie, he looked at least 23. the man growled right back at him and threw a punch directly at chris' nose. his glasses few off his face, he was pretty sure they were broken, but he still stood back up. chris attempted to throw a punch, but completely missed due to the fact that he was blind. 

"motherfuck!" the man cursed as he threw another punch directly into chris' gut. richie doubled over, hissing. the man threw a kick at chris' chin. 

"fuck!" chris was losing all his strength,richie could tell, but he still managed to lift one of his legs and throw a kick directly in between the man's legs. the man fell down, or at least richie thought so, before stan, bill and eddie dragged a bleeding chris out of the house. 


the boys sat down in stan's and bill's room, the clock hitting midnight.

chris hissed as eddie wiped a alcohol wipe against his chin. he tried to turn his head away but eddie placed a hand on the side of his head and made his stay still. 

richie hated the idea of how close eddie and chris were getting.

"chris, stay still." eddie murmured while finishing wiping his chin and bandaging it. so far, eddie had cared for his beaten-up nose and cut chin. he'd even patched his glasses up, bet he'd have to get new ones. "take off your shirt." eddie said mindlessly while he searched for an icepack for what he was sure was going to be a bruise. 

chris did as eddie said and slipped off his shirt, leaving his stomach (and unexpected six-pack, as per the look on eddie's face) on display. 

"whatcha staring at, sweet pea?" chris chuckled. that's my fucking nickname for him. 

"ew, shut up and take the icepack." eddie said, leaning in closer to press the icepack on chris' bruise. "it was really sweet of you to step in for me though." eddie smiled. god, the thought of them being together made richie pissed.

"well, that man had his hands and lips all over you, somewhere they shouldn't be..." chris said, lifting his hand and trailing it down the side of eddie's face. a soft blush spread across his face. fuck him!

"yeah, but your hands are trailing the same place, aren't they?" eddie whispered back to him, still pressing the ice pack to chris' abs. 

"but sweetheart, what if mine belong on you..." chris mumbled before pressing his lips to eddie's. richie faked gagged and walked out of the room, searching for stan. 

"what are you doing out here, aren't you helping eddie with chris?" stan asked richie as richie walked into the corridor outside their room. 

"they're making out." richie said simply rolling his eyes. 

"wuh-what? eh-eh-eddie's guh-gay?" 


eddie's pov

eddie lay in the bed, sleeping with chris' body pressed up against his. they hadn't had sex. eddie would never have sex with anyone- other than richie? no, he wouldn't have sex with anyone he'd just met.  his eyes were fluttering asleep until he glanced at the word that appeared on his wrist. apocalypse. 


a/n:  i don't ship

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