want you [16]

103 5 24

.・゜゜・ age ~ 15-16 (1999)  ・゜゜・.

•·.·''·.· your lips my lips,
apocalypse •·.·''·.·



rich, i miss you


richie smiled as he finished his sentence and rushed to the door to go grab some comics. he and eddie were gonna have the best night ever. 


richie entered his room, greeted by his girlfriend sprawled across the bed eyes fixed on the tv. instinctively she greets him. 

"back so soon, baby?" betty smiled, tossing her brown hair to the side, her big brown eyes pleading him to stay. 

"i'm just grabbing some comics for eddie and i to read," richie smiled, opening the closet in their room to fish through his bag. before he could turn around by himself, he felt betty use the little strength she had to spin him around. she quickly pressed her lips to his. unfortunately, richie hadn't felt any sparks, naturally he kissed back, but there was no connection between the two. 

honestly, the only reason he was dating her was to get over eddie. but it isn't working. and it kills him. he wants to love betty. he wants to feel the spark between the two. so, ignoring the fact that he has no real feelings for her, he still wraps his arms around her waist and pulls her closer, deepening the kiss. their lips and mouths moved hungrily against each other, although richie was just acting. i guess it's a package deal, huh? being able to sing and act? 

soon richie pulled away, taking in a deep breath. 

"bets, i gotta g-" richie was again cut off by betty shaking her head and initiating the kiss again. richie wanted to mumble 'no' against her but he eventually gave up, knowing that she would never let him be free. 


richie's head pounded as he woke up in his bed, his body fully naked. shit. shit shit shit! he wanted to scream and run out of the room, until he felt the heat of another person cuddled up next to him. why can't i remember anything?  was he drunk? this is awful. he turned around to face the heat next to him. her brown hair covered her face, but richie knew who it was. betty. the first person he'd had sex with after jenny was betty. that's not much of a step up, but personality-wise- 100%. betty was beautiful, she was nice, she was kind and she truly seemed like she loved richie. but richie couldn't replicate those feelings. he'd expected that his first time after recovering from such a horrible experience would be with someone he loved, someone like eddie. 

no, push the intrusive thoughts out, richie. he's not your boyfriend, he's not your lover. and he doesn't love you back. that's why your dating betty, isn't it? and you vowed, you'd never cheat on her. even if you don't love her. right? right, rich?

"i've gotta go apologise to eds..." richie mumbled while slipping out of the bed. betty groaned, still asleep, but clearly annoyed at the body heat that had left the bed. she murmured something richie couldn't understand. he quickly slipped on a pair of boxers, shorts and a shirt that read 'i'm fluent in sarcasm'. he quickly rushed out of his bedroom, not caring to tame the wild birds' nest of hair he had nor to slip on a pair of shoes, after all, eddie was only two doors down. 

he knocked on the door, praying that eddie would open the door. and he did. his face dropped as he realised that richie was at the door, and he attempted to slam the door into richie's face. unfortunately for him, richie was too fast. he slipped his foot to stop the door from slamming. 

"eds, i know your mad-" richie tried to plead. 

"yeah of course i'm mad dickwad!" he tried to press harder against the door. 

"no eds, really, please listen-" eddie opened the door wide. he gestured for richie to come in. 

"why'd you let me in?" richie asked while taking the opportunity and making his way into eddie's one bed hotel room. 

"because, i don't want to have people hear us argue, fuckface." eddie rolled his eyes and sat on the bed facing richie. they waited, staring at each other, richie dumbfounded. "so, are you gonna explain yourself?" 

"yes, sorry. eds, really, i went to go get the comics, but betty- she- she got me distracted." eddie's face turned a bright red. richie couldn't tell whether he was pissed or blushing. 

"how so?" eddie spat. okay, he was pissed. 

"she-" richie tell him the truth. "she kissed me." eddie was fuming now. 

"so you ditched me- so fuck your girlfriend? after we'd barely hung out for ages- and you've been with your girlfriend for ages, sleeping in the same room as her and you ditch me the one night we were meant to hang out just to bone her?!" eddie was close to crying now. he took a deep breath. 

"you know, richard, when i first met you- or heard about you, i hated your stupid coke bottle glasses, and your stupid hawiian shirts. your stupid jokes made my head hurt, but now- over the past few months i started to like them. i started to like everything about you- your beautiful curly hair, your smile, your laugh and i even started to like your stupid coke bottle glasses! you know why rich!?" the entire time eddie had been moving closer toward richie, but richie just kept moving back. he couldn't be that close to eddie. it'd all go wrong. he'd fuck up.

richie just stared at him. even though he was angry, all richie wanted to do was kiss him. that's why he had to keep moving back. 

"why?" richie's voice was small compared to the smaller yet fiery boy. "please tell me, eds..." richie could tell eddie was on the verge of tears. 

"because i l- because i care about you. and maybe you don't care about me enough to at least hang out with me for more than 10 minutes. go find your fucking girlfriend" eddie pushed past richie and opened the door, only to push richie out. 

"maybe you can fuck her again while your at it." eddie spat before slamming the door in his face. 

but eddie, i don't want her. i want you. 


a/n: 😨😨

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