broken [22]

105 4 15

.・゜゜・ age ~ 15-16 (1999)  ・゜゜・.

•·.·''·.· your lips my lips,
apocalypse •·.·''·.·



"i'll be there too..." the band finished the song richie had written for his apocalypse. tears were streaming down all of our faces, and god, it felt good and bad at the same time. 

"thank you florida! thank you!" stan, carol and bev screamed. "thank you!" i joined in just before we left the stage. it was a dangerous thing, incorporating my word into the song, but no one would know. maybe it was the only way for me to rhyme 'your lips, my lips'. only my soulmate would know, and i wouldn't lose them because i didn't specifically tell them. right? i mean, that's how it works, doesn't it?

"fuck! guys we have to go to the hotel!" stan cried out, snapping his phone closed as he began to run.

"what! why?!" bev screamed, following a sprinting stan. 

"yeah, what the fuck, stan?!" richie yelled as he and carol began to do the same. 

"eddie collapsed!" stan shrieked, still taking the lead. god, the guy could take up a job in track running. 

"fuck!" this only made richie's heart pound faster. is he okay? richie prayed he was. 


richie towered over a passed out eddie. the rest of the group had left richie alone with eddie while they went to the store to gather supplies to make him feel comfortable after he woke up. 

he looked so peaceful, his brown hair covering most of his forehead, leaving his lightly shut eyes. freckles decorated his cheeks like a starry constellation. it's been a while since richie had the opportunity to just stare at eddie without anyone seeing or having anyone think he's a creep. he may not be able to love him like that, but he can still love him like a best friend. 

holy shit, eddie would've gotten his word- right? richie's eyes quickly trailed from eddie's peaceful face to eddie's exposed wrist. 


fuck! that's why he fainted! he recognized the word! shit shit shit! 

"rich?" eddie groaned rubbing his head while lifting it off the pillow. "rich? why do you look like you've seen a ghost?" 

"it's you- you're my apocalypse, eddie!" richie felt hot tears brimming his eyes, threatening to spill, like someone was turning a faucet inside him. 

"me? no- no, not me..." eddie mumbled, picking himself out of the bed and heading toward the door. 

"but eddie, you're my soulmate, we both have the same words and you fucking know it!" richie's voice cracked. 

"no richie, we can't be together! we could never be together! i- i don't love you! i- i love chris!" he was on the verge of tears, before turning on his heel and storming out of the room. richie couldn't let him go, no matter how much eddie was hurting him right now. 

he could tell that richie was following him, so he picked up the pace, sprinting faster, aiming for the exit of the hotel. 

"fuck eddie!" richie screamed, chasing after the smaller boy. they both ran out of the hotel, earning crazy stares from the rest of the workers and guests. 

"language, sir!" a guard cried outside as richie and eddie sprinted out passed them. 

richie's body was about to give up. eddie was too far ahead, almost reaching a bus. the sweat trickling down richie's body was ruining one of his favourite shirts. 

"shit!" richie dropped his hands to rest on his knees as he watched eddie climb onto the bus, tears streaming down his face at this point. 

"bye, rich." richie could barely read the words that came out of his mouth, but goddamn, it fucking hurt him. his lover, his soulmate, his friend, was gone. and it left him, broken. 


uhm. hi. sorry. 

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