i wish everything could just make sense [18]

115 4 24

.・゜゜・ age ~ 15-16 (1999)  ・゜゜・.

•·.·''·.· your lips my lips,
apocalypse •·.·''·.·



months had gone by since the start of the tour, but eddie's birthday was slowly approaching. he hadn't told any of the other cassettes about his birthday, only richie. he didn't want to, no, he didn't want to make it a big deal. that's what eddie had told richie. 'i'm not sure that bill, mike or ben would remember either, they're too busy with their lovers.' eddie had told richie earlier. although it's not confirmed that bill and stan and bev and ben are dating, it's pretty obvious they've got the hots for each other. at least, that's what eddie and richie thought. 

eddie and richie had the time to hang out during the last few weeks because betty had been getting more calls for photoshoots and product promotions which, in a way, made richie happy. 

so, this lead to eddie and richie splashing water and swimming around in the sea on pfieffer beach in California. richie wore funky hawaiian board shorts as trunks, which he thought made him look amazing. but eddie, eddie wore the cutest pair of flamingo board shorts. 

they were swimming and splashing around, kicking water at each other, and pretending to swim away from sharks together. they were told that the others would join them, but it didn't look like it. actually, they might've, maybe richie and eddie were just too distracted. until, something caught richie's eye, something horrible. 

"shit, eds, look!" richie stopped the splashing and pointed into the far distance. a little toddler, a girl, was floating out at sea with nothing but a floatie. 

"holy fuck! rich, we gotta save her, i'll go get the life guard!" eddie quickly began to swim away. 

"okay, i'm going to go and try to get her!" richie yelled back as he quickly plunged into the water, pushing himself to swim to the baby. 

richie knew how to swim, so he used the one swimming stroke he knew, freestyle, and swam to the baby. soon the water became deeper and richie couldn't touch the floor. come on, rich. you can do this. he pushed himself farther, stopping every now and then to see how far the baby was. he was close. come on, rich. you got this. he pushed himself as far as possible. he finally reached the baby. thank fuck. somehow the baby wasn't screaming and crying.  richie kicked the water below to make sure he didn't sink. 

richie immediately stopped. she looks like ronnie. the baby- the toddler, he wasn't sure, but she had the same glint in her eyes as richie's sister. the baby giggled, and it just made richie even more protective, aiming to bring her back to land. she will be safe. 


the black began to fade into richie's eyesight. 

"rich? rich please!" richie could hear eddie's voice next to him. he wanted to let him know that he was okay. "rich...please don't leave me. i- i love you-." eddie's voice trembled, and ended in a whisper. he heard many footsteps approach him and eddie. "-as a friend. i can't lose you." eddie quickly finished. fuck. 

all of a sudden richie felt two lips on his, and two hands pressing on his chest. 

"babe? babe!" richie heard betty call, her voice sounding distant. god i hope she's not here. her voice was panicked, i mean, who wouldn't be panicked if their boyfriend was unconscious?

"richie!" there were so many different voices now, but that voice. that one was definitely bev. 

all of a sudden, the two lips pulled back and richie began to cough up all the water. he quickly sat up, light suddenly flowing back into his sight. richie's gaze settled upon the little girl who had, thank god, made it out alive. 

"thank god!" bev pulled richie into a massive hug. richie felt a tear roll down his face, not because he'd literally just been unconscious, but because eddie only loved him as a friend. why does everything have to be so fucking complicated?! i love betty. i don't love eddie. why is a tear running down my face then? if i love betty, why do i care so much about eddie? no, it's because he's becoming my best friend- excluding bev. are you sure? yes. no. maybe. i think so. i don't know. 

i just don't fucking know. god, i wish everything could just make sense. 


a/n: sorry this chapter's really bad, but if anything, the next chapter's eddie's birthday. 

i also didn't know how to say it but betty was on a ft call w/ bev

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