no [29]

73 3 21

.・゜゜・ age ~ 23 (2006)  ・゜゜・.

•·.·''·.· your lips my lips,
apocalypse •·.·''·.·


okay but like i promise this one's gonna be a short one


╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮


i can do tmr? is that alright w/ u stella?


yeah, that's good. 

what time?


wb 1pm, i'll give you time to sleep in lmao


ahah alr tysm

btw my sister's friends might be there though bcos we all live in the same house


oh alr

well cya then

╰── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╯

eddie smiled at his phone, placing it down next to him on the couch. for the first time in a long time, chris wasn't drunk. he hadn't been drunk for a while too. he's been sober for the last two weeks and it has been the best two weeks of his life. 

right now, eddie and chris were cuddled up on the couch, eddie's head resting on chris's chest. 

"baby?" chris murmured, slightly pushing eddie off his chest and getting up and walking out of the room

"what?" eddie got up too, following his boyfriend into their bedroom. the room was dimly lit as he entered, and only now had eddie noticed the rose petals that were scattered all along the bed and floor. eddie's eyes scanned the room, only landing on chris in the middle of the floor last. chris was on one knee, holding out a basic ring. 

"eddie, will you do me the honours of making me the happiest man alive and becoming mr eddie baker?" chris was smiling, holding the ring closer to eddie's view.

eddie just stood in shock. 

"uh" eddie stammered, chris's smile faded, wondering why eddie was taking so long to answer. 

"eddie, this can't be such a difficult decision- right?" chris smiled, shuffling closer to eddie. 

"'re right chris, it isn't such a difficult decision so here's my final answer," eddie smiled, knowing what he must do, leaning closer to chris. 

"no." eddie pulled back and immediately walked out of the room. he took the keys to his car and apartment and sprinted out the door, leaving a heartbroken chris behind him. he'd finally done what he'd been dying to do for years. he'd finally left and he finally felt free. 


sorry this was so short lmao i didn't have anything else to add

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