boys pt.2 [19]

103 4 24

.・゜゜・ age ~ 15-16 (1999)  ・゜゜・.

•·.·''·.· your lips my lips,
apocalypse •·.·''·.·



it's almost my birthday. tomorrow. it was his 16th birthday. i don't know if anyone's gonna remember. eddie sat alone in his one bed hotel room, lying on the bed, scrolling through the losers 🎈 group chat. stan and mike were discussing the plans for the next stop, new york. not one person had mentioned the exciting day tomorrow, and honestly, he was kinda glad. there was only one person he wanted to spend it with. 

buzz! buzz! a message flashed up on his screen and he clicked on it. 

╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮

trashmouth_tozier & eddie.kaspbrak's private conversation: 

trashmouth_tozier: eds

eddie.kaspbrak: yeah?

trashmouth_tozier: me and betty got in a fight

eddie.kaspbrak: shit

eddie.kaspbrak: about what?

trashmouth_tozier: some bullshit about a song we wrote that she thought was about me not loving her

eddie.kaspbrak: that's stupid

trashmouth_tozier: oh thank you so much eduardo

eddie.kaspbrak: shut up and come over

eddie.kaspbrak: we can watch a movie 

trashmouth_tozier: carol's throwing a party later

trashmouth_tozier: do you wanna go together?

eddie.kaspbrak: yeah okay

╰── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╯


eddie and richie lay together on eddie's bed as they finished scream (1996) which richie had forced eddie to watch. not necessarily forced because honestly, eddie would do anything for richie.

"what's the time, eds?" richie groaned, lifting himself up from eddie's side. eddie checked the clock on the bedside table yesterday. 

"6:34, what time's your party, chee?" eddie mumbled, still half asleep. richie stopped as he was getting up. 

"chee?" richie chuckled. 

"what?" eddie rubbed his eyes, trying to make himself aware of what he just said. "you can have nicknames for me and i can't have them for you?" eddie said defensively. he could feel the blush spreading across his face. richie leant forward and pressed a quick kiss to his cheek, before turning around and walking away. 

"alright, eds. the party's at 7. we better get ready" eddie sat there flustered, until richie turned back around and grabbed him by arm. eddie groaned but obliged. 


eddie, bev, richie and carol stood in front of eddie's suitcase, searching for something he could wear. 

"eddie, you gotta look good man- gotta fit the rockstar theme, like us." carol chucked an ACDC shirt at him. 

richie wore a leather vest that dipped just below his collarbone, matched with a pair of black leather jeans that wrapped around his hips so perfectly. his neck was stacked with chains and a long red and black tie hung loosely around his neck. his fingers were covered in silver and black rings. he looked nothing like the richie that eddie knew, but who cares? he looked so hot

carol wore a red lace corset with a dark denim jacket on top. her pants were flared and slightly ripped. her glasses were dark red and heart-shaped. bev on the other hand was wearing a black lace top with black shorts, topped with a black leather jacket. both girls were wearing big black heels and a lot of necklaces. richie also wore big black boots but not with heels. 

although they were pretty, richie was on a different level. 

"alright. bev pick out an outfit for eds then, carol and i are gonna go gather up bill, ben, mike and stan." richie said, blowing a kiss at bev and winking at eddie. eddie rolled his eyes. 

"eddie, you wanna look hot right? and be on display for all the girls"

"boys" eddie automatically corrected unknowingly. god i really need to work on this 'boys' shit. 

"what? eddie are you- gay?" bev carefully turned around to face him. 

"what? oh, shit. uhm. yeah, please don't hate me." he whispered quietly. eddie shifted his gaze from bev's face down to his feet. he didn't stay that way for any longer, because bev lifted his chin up so he was looking her directly in the eye.

"i would never hate you, eddie." she pulled him into the biggest hug he'd had since richie and him had made up. she pushed him back and turned back to the clothes. 

"okay, so, hot for the boys. alright, here put this on." bev smiled cheekily. 

eddie did as he was told. 

"go get em, eddie!" bev said as she entered the room to see eddie fully dressed in the outfit she picked. she spun him around to face the mirror. i look so hot.

"eddie, you're gonna be everyone's dream tonight."


a/n: idk what to say. im just pushing the plot along atm

also atm when I've written this nehie s4 just came out - TEAM BEN OR PAXTON or now ETHAN? 

im team ben but i also adore paxton but team ben

its not 3rd of aug as im publishing this so lol i remember this

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