the reply [24]

118 4 23

.・゜゜・ age ~ 22 (2005)  ・゜゜・.

•·.·''·.· your lips my lips,
apocalypse •·.·''·.·



richie was successful in everything, his band, the cherry cassettes, were still together, they'd managed to graduate school (doing somewhat well), and richie had managed to take up a career in comedy as well. he could do everything; get girls (although he's still stuck with betty), be cool, be comedic, have good music, but there was only one thing that he still struggled to do. and that was to forget the one and only eddie kaspbrak. 


richie, stan, bev and carol stood in the recording studio, recording their new song 'toxic'. 

"are we ready?" the producer called from outside the room. the group vigorously nodded their heads. 

"let's hit it!" carol cried as the music started. 

"too high, can't come down
it's in the air and it's all around
can you feel me now?"

"with a taste of your lips, i'm on a ride
you're toxic, i'm slippin' underwith a taste of a poison paradise
i'm addicted to you
don't you know that you're toxic?
and i love what you do
don't you know that you're toxic?
don't you know that you're toxic?"

the group finished singing, breathing pretty heavily. honestly, this song had no true meaning, it was just a random song they wrote about someone being toxic and them loving it. 

"thanks for coming in guys!" the producer called as the band walked out of the studio, ready to go back to the shared house they'd bought in georgia to relax. 


"alright, call me down, kay?" richie threw finger guns at bev, who simply rolled her eyes and plopped down on the couch. richie chuckled, making his way down the corridor of the one-story house to check his emails in his room. each member of the crew had their own special room they designed. richie's room was painted a dark zucchini colour, with posters of famous rockstars and comedians hung up along it. it was the room he'd decorated when he was nineteen, that he was just too tired to redecorate. posters of bands and singers like d-12 and the notorious b.i.g (biggie) but also rockstars and bands like bon jovi and led zeppelin. 

richie moved to the big desk he had set up opposite the door with his laptop on it, along with other random shit. he opened it, expecting an email from his new pen pal that his therapist had set him up with. no personal information, okay rich? yes, no personal info. 

looks like he did have an email, from someone called 'ed03'. 


holy shit, 'ed' seems to have his whole life in control. he's got a boyfriend, he's going to a good uni, he likes to read, but he hates the cherry cassettes. what the fuck did we do to you? 

"bev! come 'ere!" richie screamed down the hallway to bev. richie only heard a loud angry growl and thumping footsteps approaching his room. 

"what? you interrupted my tv show!" bevvie growled. 

"come look at what my pen pal said!" richie pointed accusatorily at the screen. 

"rich, if it's anonymous obviously they didn't mean to hurt you, i mean it totally does seem like its aiming specifically at you, you know with the guitar guys with coke bottle glasses! actually, that is fucking hilarious. but seriously, i don't think it was meant to hurt you." bev laughed from next to the, now red, richie tozier. 

"fine whatever!" richie groaned, throwing his head back in annoyance and then going back to the email. this only resulted in another laugh from bev before her footsteps receded from behind him. honestly, richie couldn't be mad though, he had left the poor guy on delivered for almost a week.

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subject: re: pen pal letters


helloooo ed!

im tt, as you can call me and i am also a 22 year old male. i live and work in georgia. i am pursuing comedy and music. i am dating this girl, but honestly i don't know if i should propose but i think i might. i really enjoy spending time with my friends, and i loveee to tell jokes! 🤷‍♀️ i really wanna do a collab with another famous singer or band, but then again, im just pursuing music, i'm not that big in the industry (yet) and same with comedy. i actually love the song apocalypse by the cherry cassettes but i don't listen to that much of their music. i don't really have much more to say about things i dislike so i'll just talk about my best experience. 

this one time, me and my friends were all hanging out at my house, after a long day of school. we were all seated in front of a makeshift tv that my dad and i had made in my garage back when i used to live in derry, and shit i don't think that counts as personal info right? whatever, anyway we were sitting around our makeshift tv and then this really good song, i forgot what it was called, came on and me and my friends started dancing, and my, at the time, 6-year-old sister came along and started dancing too and we were all just having a blast. it was also really funny because one of the names mentioned in the song was the same as my sisters, and now whenever my sister comes to hang out with me and my friends we always play it and sometimes i'll dedicate the song to her when we sing at pubs and stuff.

here's the topic for your next email: what is your favourite summer / normal experience?

i think we will hit it off, ed, 



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i think tt is a good name for me, i mean trashmouth tozier, its perfect, isn't it? like no one would be able to guess what it stands for and it's not my actual initials!

richie shut the laptop, happy with what he had sent, just as bev called him out for dinner. 

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