one thing [5]

135 7 17

.・゜゜・ age ~ 15-16 (1999)  ・゜゜・.

•·.·''·.·• your lips, my lips,
apocalypse •·.·''·.·



richie's hair was wet, still dripping. his towel hung loosely around his waist, displaying his defined v-line. richie was a tall, slim boy. but he was hot. so very hot.


"whatcha staring at, sweet pea?" richie chuckled as he watched eddie walk over to bill's vacant bed. he slipped off a robe that looked eerily like the hotel robes and slipped under the covers of the bed.

"n-nothing! and i'm not your sweet pea." eddie's face flushed and he turned around to face the wall. hey eddie, wanna watch a movie together? no that's stupid. eddie, wanna play a board game? no even stupider. what about truth or dare? this is so dumb.

"richie, i can feel you staring at me. what do you want?" eddie mumbled, turning around to face him and staring him directly in the eye. his cheeks felt hot. just say it rich, nothing's gonna happen!

"wanna do something?" silence. shit, that was dumb. richie mentally slapped his stupid brain. that's so awkward, and he probably doesn't want to do it. i mean, what other reason did he come from his room?

"sorry, that was dumb nevermi-"

"yeah, let's do something. what do you want to do?" eddie smiled, and god richie just wanted to hug him and kiss him and tell him that he deserved everything. he was absolutely adorable.

"do you wanna watch a movie, or play like truth or dare? we could invite the others over?" richie said, and he couldn't stop himself from smiling as well.

"no- not the others, i'm too tired for that. what if we just watch a movie?" eddie said, stripping the sheets of him and walking over to pick up the tv remote from the small coffee table in the room.

"oh yeah sure. come sit with me, eds." richie said, rolling over in his bed and leaving some space for eddie. eddie rolled his eyes but plopped down next to him.

"don't call me that, asshole!" eddie jokingly slapped richie's arm. richie chuckled and looked back down at his wrist. apocalypse.

"eds, have you gotten your word yet?" eddie simply shook his head.

"i'm turning 16 in september. and for god's sake that's not my name!" a soft blush was surfacing the cheeks of the younger and shorter boy. he shook his head, out of annoyance or something else, he wasn't sure. but his curly hair completely distracted richie. each curl shook along with his head, and when he stopped, each curl fell, perfectly bringing out his face shape and plump pink lips.

"now whose staring, tozier?" eddie chuckled while inching closer to richie.

"very funny." richie rolled his eyes but couldn't get the thought out of his head. eddie punched buttons into the remote until it was playing a movie.

"we're watching a classic," eddie stated as the title the witches took up the entirety of the screen. richie smiled to himself as eddie continued to inch closer to lean onto his shoulder. richie moved his arm to hug eddie's shoulder, which lead to eddie leaning into richie's chest.

"this good, eds?" he turned to look at eddie's face but instead was greeted by tomato looking image. eddie's face was flushed, the soft blush surfacing earlier replaced by a flood of blood. but the boy nodded and turned back to watch the movie. he's like a fucking tomato. richie thought to himself. but he was fucking adorable


it was about an hour into the movie, and eddie was already fast asleep. his face buried into richie's chest, his curly hair covering his closed eyes and his nose pressed up against richie's chest. richie was still awake, but he ended up pausing the movie and watching eddie sleep for a little bit. he attempted counting all of the freckles on the boy's face but had miserably failed, reaching around 25 and then getting distracted.

"alright, time for you to go to bed," richie said, while shifting eddie of his chest. richie slipped out of the bed and ran over to the side eddie had fallen asleep on. he slowly slipped his arms under eddie's back and under his knees, lifting him up. instinctively, eddie wrapped his arms around richie's neck, slowly waking.

"rich?" eddie mumbled, nestling his face into richie's chest once again.

"shh," richie said as he began to lay eddie down in bill's empty bed. he lifted the sheets back over eddie and waited for the smaller boy to fall asleep. once he had done so, richie sat back down on his bed and opened his phone.

╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮

trashmouth_tozier & bird.boy🐦🐦's private conversation:

trashmouth_tozier: eds is sleeping in bill's bed so just tell bill to sleep over in his bed.

bird.boy🐦🐦: alr, i'll tell him.

bird.boy🐦🐦: also 'eds'?

trashmouth_tozier: what? it's my name for him 🤗

bird.boy🐦🐦: sure. goodnight rich. 

trashmouth_tozier: night staniel 💖

bird.boy🐦🐦: no.

╰── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╯

richie placed his phone down on the shared bedside table along with his glasses and let himself drift off to sleep, with only one thing on his mind. eddie kaspbrak.


a/n: its kinda short so i apologise :)

- t ❤

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