illict affairs [9]

138 5 22

.・゜゜・ age ~ 15-16 (1999)  ・゜゜・.


•·.·''·.· your lips my lips,
apocalypse •·.·''·.·


"i dunno. girls who are pretty on the inside? that's a stupid answer. what about you? what's your type?" well, boys? especially boys with black curly hair and coke bottle glasses with the stupidest smile and laugh, who jokes like nothing else matters.

"boys" shit.


"boys" hold the fucking phone- eddie likes boys?

"holy shit, that's wonderful m-"

"oh- just kidding! i don't like boys, i mean- not that it's bad to like boys..." shit.

"oh okay. just saying, if you did like boys, that wouldn't change the way I see you." yes it fucking would you dipshit. you would fall for him even more.

"mhm. good night, rich." eddie mumbled before turning back to sleep, leaving richie alone with his thoughts, which for the first time in a long time, made him want to cry.


"rich, you gotta wake up!" eddie pushed richie's body from side to side, shaking the boy awake. richie groaned. 

"ugh! why'd you wake me?" richie rolled over in his bed to see eddie's face, forming a smirk.

"because, at this rate, we'll be sharing many rooms, and you've gotta get with my schedule." this only made richie groan even more, but honestly it was cute. "now, let's go get breakfast, the others might join us later." richie got out of bed and got dressed while eddie was in the bathroom, richie joining eddie while they brushed their teeth together. 

they left the room together, both smiling at how the morning had begun. they shortly were seated at a table, both eating their delicious breakfasts. 

"so, rich, when's your date?" eddie mumbled between mouths of food. 

"oh, uhm, i don't actually know. i might ask bev for the girl's number. she said she was a friend of bev's" eddie nodded, smiling. but what richie didn't know was that eddie was literally smiling through pain. and so richie smiled. but what eddie didn't know, richie was also smiling through pain. pain of having to go on a date with a girl he has no attraction to. he wished it was eddie he could take on the date. maybe she'll be good for you. maybe you'll get over him. never. he barely knows him, and i think i'm falling for him. how can i get over that? it's been 2 days since he arrived and they've spent like 40 out of 48 hours together, and i have the fattest crush on him. 

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