just a bad day [37]

75 3 20

.・゜゜・ age ~ 23 (2006)  ・゜゜・.

•·.·''·.· your lips my lips,
apocalypse •·.·''·.·



"betty ripsom, would make me the happiest ma-" eddie felt his heart drop to his stomach. 

"yes! a thousand times yes! oh my god, i love you richie!" she held out her hand and richie slipped the ring onto her finger.

eddie felt like throwing up. i guess love just doesn't work out the way i want it to.


it was new years eve. the group was gathered around a small stage as the cassettes continued their performance of a song no one had heard before. 

"i know that you're wrong for me
gonna wish we never met on the day i leave
i brought you down to your knees
'cause they say that misery loves company
it's not your fault i ruin everything
and it's not your fault i can't be what you need
baby, angels like you can't fly down hell with me
i'm everything they said i would be"

eddie stared in disbelief as they seemed to relieve the same moment years before. richie's eyes locked on eddie and eddie's locked on richie. eddie tried to convince himself it wasn't about him. it was about betty. it had to be- afterall they were getting married, weren't they? eddie's stomach felt like it was doing backflips as he tried to turn to leave the area. instead, he bumped into ben. 

"eddie? where are you going?" he said, holding up his glass of what looked like pink lemonade. 

"home. ben, i don't feel well." he rubbed his stomach and tried to get past him. 

"no, eddie. if you don't feel you're not driving. i'll drive you home." he said, quickly glancing at the stage where richie was still singing. ben handed his drink to a random waitress, who's name eddie only seemed to catch when she walked closer to them. eleanor. walking by and dragged eddie out by the arm. ben wasn't drunk, eddie could tell.

they hopped into ben's car and began the drive back home. 

"so tell me eddie, why are you upset?" ben inquired, not taking his eyes off the road. 

"i'm not upset." eddie murmured, crossing his arms and looking out the window. 

"eddie." ben simply said. 

"yes?" eddie innocently replied. 

"don't lie to me. i've known you since we were like ten. i know when something's bothering you. who was it? was it betty? was it chris again? or is it richie?" ben finally took his eyes off the road for a second, glancing at eddie as a tear rolled down his cheek. eddie tried to wipe it off before ben saw but it was too late. 

"yeah. uhm, it was richie." eddie whispered into the silence of the night. he tried to wipe the rest of the tears that were spilling down his face. 

"hm. i saw the way he was looking at you tonight. what's going on?" ben said. "unless of course you don't want to tell me. i just want you to be okay." he quickly added. eddie let out a little chuckle before gathering himself. he hadn't told anyone about the kiss, but he knew that if he was to tell anyone, it'd be ben. ben knows best. 

"so uhm. a months ago richie called me up and told me his mum died- so as any normal friend would do i comforted him, but it ended in us kissing. i pulled away first and i ran out, and we didn't talk about it at all and it kinda really hurt when he proposed to betty." eddie spilled out. he wasn't going to lie, especially not to himself. not like he did by telling himself he loved chris. 

"is that why you were so panicked when he passed out?" ben asked, eddie could tell he was trying to be careful not to push any of eddie's buttons or ask any questions that would. 

"yeah. i was really scared that he wouldn't wake up." eddie replied, nodding. 

"and is that why you ran out after he proposed?" ben hadn't taken his eyes off the road since he saw eddie cry. 

"yeah. i was uhm, really hurt. i wanted to tell him i loved him, and that i have for the past six years, but obviously what's the point if he's going to marry betty? i mean- i love him and i want him to be happy, but it just doesn't look like he's happy!" eddie huffed, moving his arms so that they were resting beside his legs. 

"eddie, i think that closure is the best idea. just tell him how you feel and then tell him that you just want to be friends and that you want him to be happy." ben said. his grip of the steering wheel tightened as they made a turn. 

"that's fair." eddie murmured. "i think that's what im gonna do. that's what im gonna do the next time i see him." they turned the corner to tatum's house and eddie immediately got out, shooting ben a small smile and a quiet thank you before barging back into tatum's house. 

a sigh of relief escaped his mouth as he closed the door behind them. 

"eddie? is that you?" tatum called into the darkness of the house. 

"yeah. im home." he walked over to the kitchen where he assumed tatum was. he entered the dimly lit kitchen were tatum was standing next to the stove with a pack of mac n cheese in her hand. 

"hey. how was your day?" tatum inquired while continuing to cook the mac n cheese. 

"bad. i just realised im still in love with a friend from six years ago." he muttered as he flopped onto the couch that sat opposite the kitchen. 

"what?" she asked from her station at the stove. 

"nothing. it was just a bad day." eddie called back to her. 


sorry this plot is taking so long guys!

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