apocalypse [21]

107 4 37

.・゜゜・ age ~ 15-16 (1999)  ・゜゜・.

•·.·''·.· your lips my lips,
apocalypse •·.·''·.·



eddie had gotten his word an eternity ago but still hadn't told anyone. that's the kinda guy he was. he knew none of his best friends would be his soulmate but he still didn't want to tell them. the tour was coming to an end, but eddie had successfully begun to date chris, and come out to their group of friends. his life was everything he could dream of, he had the perfect boyfriend, the perfect friends, and better yet, he had finally gotten over richie. 

but still, eddie sat in the room with all 9 friends (including chris and betty) feeling like he was missing something. maybe it was the fact that eddie and his friends were separating or maybe it was the fact that he was leaving bill to move in with chris before uni. he couldn't tell. 

"this is our last tour." stan's voice also seemed to tremble. his eyes were glistening, along with richie's, bev's and carol's. 

"does this mean we won't see you again?" richie, for the first time in forever, sounded small and scared. 

"no, we'll keep in contact. please, now just go get ready for your last show." ben said, hugging bev, carol, stan and richie. eddie just sat there, mouth glued as tightly as he was glued to chris. 


eddie was once again placed in the pits, watching in awe as the group finished their performance of their song 'freaks'. beautiful song, with a lot of meaning. bill had once told eddie that stan wrote it. 

"alright guys, last song, for the last show. this was written by our amazing trashmouth for his special one." carol announced as the music began. 

"you leapt from crumbling bridges, watching cityscapes turn to dust," stan begun. his voice silvery, just as it had been throughout the tour. 

"filming helicopters crashing, in the ocean from way above" eddie's eyes settled on richie, the writer of this song. his mind clicking through every moment they had spent together, his heart burning at the fact that this might be the last time they ever see each other. 

"got the music in you baby, tell me why?" it was finally richie's turn to sing, and god, his voice was angelic. 

"got the music in you baby, tell me why?" eddie had finally realised that richie was watching him. why not betty? dunno.  

"you've been locked in here forever, and you just can't say goodbye," the group sang, richie grabbing his mics off the stand and holding it to his mouth.  

"kisses on the foreheads, of the lovers wrapped in your arms." it was stan's turn to sing again, and although he was trying to be subtle, he was eyeing bill. and unfortunately for bill, it was obvious because of the maroon blush that had taken over his cheeks. 

"you've been hiding them in hollowed-out pianos, left in the dark" bev sang from her place at the drums, and for the first time in forever, she was struggling to keep herself from crying. 

"got the music in you, baby, tell me why" richie had closed his eyes at this point, not even playing his guitar, just swaying to the music and singing. 

"got the music in you, baby, tell me why" at this point the entire group was falling apart. this was their first tour, so not once had the audience seen such a sad show. but they loved it. 

"you've been locked in here forever, and you just can't say goodbye" the whole crowd was screaming and crying. they knew that this was their last show and they were heartbroken. 

"your lips, my lips" stan smiled, letting a tear roll down his face. 

"apocalypse" eddie's heart stopped. apocalypse? his head was spinning, vision blurring. did richie really just say apocalypse? he wrote the song, he has to know something. and carol said it's for his special one, oh god. oh my fucking god. he's my soulmate. richie tozier, the man i promised myself i would not fall in love with, is my soulmate.  what if he loses me? i love chris, not richie, so what if he loses me? 

eddie's brain fogged, everything around him fading into darkness. 

what if i lose him?



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