miss you [15]

113 5 27

.・゜゜・ age ~ 15-16 (1999)  ・゜゜・.

•·.·''·.·• your lips my lips
apocalypse •·.·''·.·



was it the right choice?


more months had passed by, and it had almost hit betty and richie's three-month anniversary. and eddie still hated her. not that anything was bad about her- she was a great person- he just hated the fact that richie was still with her. why did he have to be with her? 

it'd been four months since he'd heard richie's words. the nostalgic feeling of being in richie's arms was gone. richie never spent nights with him in the same room anymore. no matter how many times they moved hotels, betty and richie would be left to share a room. this always left eddie alone in his one-bed hotel room after bill and stan agreed to share a room. i hate it. 

he spends nights going to sleep alone in the darkness and longing to be with his friends, or even better, with richie. and honestly, he even missed stan. and the feeling of richie sleeping in the same room as him. 

you know what? fuck it. i don't care if he has a girlfriend, im sure he would wanna stay the night with a friend. 

── ── ── ──

trashmouth_tozier and eddie.kaspbrak private conversation:

eddie.kaspbrak: hey rich

eddie.kaspbrak: wanna come over??

trashmouth_tozier: hi eddie spaghetti

eddie.kaspbrak: that's not my name!!

trashmouth_tozier: i know but you love it

trashmouth_tozier: but i would love to come over

trashmouth_tozier: i'll ask betty. 

eddie.kaspbrak: okay cya

trashmouth_tozier: byeeeee

── ── ── ──

it's such a shame richie has to check with his girlfriend for everything. eddie's sure she'll say yes, but it's quite annoying. soon after eddie had sent such messages, he heard a knock on the door, signalling that richie had been given the approval and walked 2 doors down to meet his (hopefully) best friend. 

eddie gladly opened the door, ignorant to the faint blush that spread across his cheeks and the smile plastered onto his face. richie smiled and pulled eddie into his arms and squeezed him. 

"rich, let go of me!!" eddie screamed as richie's tall, lanky figure managed to throw eddie's tiny body over his shoulder and carry him to the bed in the room. eddie screamed and laughed, lightly hitting richie's back and kicking. richie's strong grip wrapped around eddie's kicking legs to hold them still.

"let go of me, trashmouth!" eddie tried to pound harder before richie threw him onto the bed. eddie lay on the bed, giggling, but trying to hold still while richie crawled on top of him. 

they were so close. and eddie could easily lean up and press his lips to richie's. and for a moment eddie thinks that he should- but richie has a girlfriend. 

lucky for him, (or more unfortunately) richie, instead, began tickle eddie. eddie let out a shriek, trying to fight back richie's fingers roaming and tickling his body. 

"did ya miss me, eds??" richie chuckled while eddie laughed and screamed below him, kicking and slapping richie's arms and chest. although he acted as if he wanted it to stop, he prayed it didn't. 

finally richie retracted his fingers and arms from eddie and flopped onto the bed beside him. eddie let out a sigh and turned on his side to face richie. 

"whatcha wanna do?" eddie whispered so that richie was the only one who could hear, not that anyone else could. 

"i have comics? i could go grab some and we could read them?" richie smiled, sliding off the bed and making his way to his way to the door.

eddie was sure this night was gonna be good. 

he waited. he was excited. 

ten minutes

where was he?

twenty minutes

god, i was stupid to let him go

thirty minutes.

why did he leave?

an hour

should i text him?

an hour and a half

where did he go?

two hours.

he's not coming back

three hours

i wish he would come back

four hours

rich, i miss you. 



tis almost time to sing august by t.s

i promise things will get better 💗

- t 🎈

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