still [34]

86 4 27

.・゜゜・ age ~ 23 (2006)  ・゜゜・.

•·.·''·.· your lips my lips,
apocalypse •·.·''·.·



richie was on his bed, feet up in the air, back on the bed as he flicked through fan mail that he'd been sent. this was, until his phone started ringing. 

"hello? richie tozier speaking." richie said. this was his formal greeting because he was never sure who was calling and he didn't want to seem impolite.

"richie." the voice replied, and richie instantly knew who it was. 

"ronnie! oh my god! how long has it been?!" he flipped over onto his stomach, placing the fan mail down on the side next to him. 

"about two years." she responded. 

"are you still in school?" he'd honestly forgotten if his sister had gone to college or not. 

"are you still with that bitch?" she responded immediately. she sounded pissed. 

"ronnie, what's up? why are you so bitter?" richie'd tried to comfort her the last time she called. it did not end well. 

"sorry. it's just uhm. a few weeks ago, mum uhm..." she trailed off.

"mum what?" richie inquired. 

"she- richie, she passed! and it hasn't been easy! it's been three weeks and i've finally had the courage to call you up and tell you, why are you being such a dick?! god, you have no idea what it was like to be next to her too!" 

richie felt his heart drop. mum was gone? 

"richie?" no, not now ronnie. mum was gone? the only person who cared for him while he was growing up was gone? and his asshole of a dad was still here? how could the world be so fucking cruel? how did the one person he loved with all of his heart, manage to leave? and he didn't even know! 

"richie, her funeral is next week. thursday ten a.m. come if you want." richie took in the information, and without responding, he cut the call. he needed time to process. time to process that his mother was gone. she was the only one who accepted him when he came out to them. she was the only one who supported him becoming a singer and a comedian. she was the only one who managed to protect richie and ronnie from their abusive father. yet somehow, the world decided it was only fair to take her? not the man that abused richie and his mother all those years ago? it wasn't fucking fair. 

richie picked up his phone and dialled the only person who he knew could comfort him. 



"can you come over?" 


"can you just come over, please?" 

"uhm okay. i'll see you in five.

richie turned off his phone and buried his face in his hands. one thought couldn't leave his mind. why did the world have to be so fucking cruel? 


"rich." eddie breathly said as he rushed over to pull richie into a hug. richie could feel the hot tears still streaming down his face as he wrapped his arms around eddie's back. eddie pulled away, one arm still on richie's back. he lifted one hand to wipe a tear off richie's cheek. richie chuckled and sat down on the bed. eddie sat next to him, taking richie's hand in his and squeezing it. eddie didn't even ask him what was wrong, he just immediately comforted him. 

"it's alright, rich. whatever it is, it's alright. whatever it is, you'll get over it." eddie promised. richie tried to convince himself too. it will be alright. all your friends are here, they'll care for you. 

"eh-eds..." richie managed to stutter something out of his mouth. his whole body was shaking, everything seemed surreal. she was really gone. eddie nodded, squeezing his hands again, shifting closer to allow richie to whisper. 

"shuh-she's gone..." richie was finally gathering himself together to tell him. 

"who? who is gone? rich?" eddie immediately gripped onto his hands tighter. although it was really tight, it made richie feel safe. there was just something about the way that eddie was holding onto richie. 

"my muh-mum." richie felt the tears building back up in his eyes. he let them go, he knew he was in a safe space. 

"oh my god, richie, i'm so sorry!" eddie immediately let go of richie's hands, to pull him into an even tighter hug. the hug was sweet like honey, warm and cozy. 

they stayed like this for a couple of minutes, and richie managed to put himself together before breaking from the hug. 

"thanks eds. it really means a lot that you stayed here with me." eddie's hands made their way back to richie's. richie felt eddie lace their fingers, reassuring richie that everything would be alright. he'd never been more grateful to have eddie back as a friend. for a moment, they just sat, staring at each other. richie was watching eddie's sparkling eyes as they moved, richie assumed they were trailing all over his face. richie's eyes then moved to the freckles he'd once spent almost an eternity trying to count, then to the pretty pink lips he'd once dreamed about kissing. but his eyes didn't move after that. and only then did he realise that eddie's eyes were set on his lips too. richie's cheeks felt hot as eddie leaned in and closed the distance between the two. he let go of one of richie's hand and cupped richie's face with it. he whispered something incoherent before pressing his lips to richie's. richie let go of the hand that was holding eddie's other hand and moved it to the back of eddie's neck, pulling him closer. their lips moved in pure sync. eddie's hands travelled to wrap themselves around richie's neck, both of them pulling each other closer. the kiss was soft, sweet, slow and gentle. soon richie felt eddie's hands run up his neck and through his hair, but the warmth and comfort of eddie kaspbrak was soon ripped from richie as eddie quickly pulled away from the kiss. they looked at each other for a second before eddie muttered a quick sorry, and sprinted out of the room. 

for once in his life, richie was mad at himself for kissing someone. because only now, did he realise that he was still in love with eddie. 

there was only one issue. he couldn't push it away this time.


how we feeling babes??

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