thank yous & acknowledgements

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hi everyone. 

thank you so much for reading this book. it was very special to me, it was the first book i've ever written and it has helped me through so much. just being able to open wattpad and write this book was incredible and i am absolutely stunned that i have finished writing this. 

truly, i never thought i'd finish it. i was so scared that it wouldn't be good enough for people on the internet but people have made me realise that my books are for my entertainment, and people are lucky to even read them. so thank you to the following people:

❤ Itsmepeyton23

❤ FrogObsessedWeirdo

❤ M1ss_Marsh

❤ FinleyReddiel0v3r 

❤ yesmelon

and this book, this very special book is dedicated to:

❤ Itsmepeyton23

she was my first reader and fan, and she will always live forever in my heart, and whenever i think of this book, i will always think of her. so thank you so, so much pey! thank you everyone for being here for me and i really hope you enjoyed reading this book. 

STARTED: 5/5/2023

FINISHED: 30/7/2023

so, for the final time in sweet apocalypse fashion,

lots of love

~ t 🎈

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