roommates [3]

156 8 29

.・゜゜・ age ~ 15-16 (1999)  ・゜゜・.

•·.·''·.·• your lips my lips
apocalypse  •·.·''·.·



"rightio! let's head on down to the hotel then, shall we?" richie said in a horrible british accent and gestured for the guests to follow him. "we're gonna have so much fun!"


richie was cheerful they were going to have so much fun. he took eddie by the hand, much to his dislike, and dragged him toward the car. he hadn't known eddie very long, but they seemed like they were going to get along pretty well. stan was walking and talking with bill, and carol was guiding mike and ben. 

"so eds, what do you do?" richie said as he opened the door to the limo that was picking the guests up. eddie slid in, followed by richie who sat next to him, and the rest of the group.

"don't call me that- and i'm a student at derry high school studying biology." he said, crossing his arms and leaning into the seat. 

"well, mr student at derry high school studying Biology, what do you like to do?" richie said while following eddie and leaning back into his seat. eddie moved his eyes so he could scan the taller boy. he wore the worst Hawaiian t-shirt ever and a white singlet underneath. richie could feel his eyes on him. ee didn't know why, but his cheeks heated up. 

"i like to draw." a simple yet sweet tone. richie nodded, his cheeks still flaming hot. still avoiding complete eye contact with the smaller boy.

"what about you guys?" richie said, dropping his british accent and facing the 3 boys opposite him.

"i l-like to wruh-write. i'm stuh-studying li-literature." bill said, plastering a smile onto his face as stan chuckled. 

"i'm studying architecture, i love it," Ben said, also smiling. 

"i am studying ancient history. it's quite interesting." he said while gripping onto carol's hand, who was sitting next to him. 

"sweet. you guys are so cool. i'm gonna play some music, give me a sec." he said while fumbling with the radio in the back. he flicked it onto a station and it began to play some music. the promise by when in rome began to play. the entire group began to belt out the lyrics, richie even throwing his arms in the air and moving around like he just didn't care. 

carol leant forward and turned up the volume. and they kept singing, eddie even joined in toward the end, all the way to the hotel.


"alright. so, mike and i made sleep arrangements so you guys can get to know each other. for the tour, stan and eddie will share a room at each hotel, bill and richie, ben and mike and then bev and i. just so everyone's alright." carol said while holding out keys for everyone. 

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