bisexual [12]

114 5 16

.・゜゜・ age ~ 15-16 (1999)  ・゜゜・.

•·.·''·.·• your lips my lips
apocalypse •·.·''·.·



and that's what he did. eddie wrapped his arms around richie's neck, pulling him down and smashing his lips onto richie's. it took a second but richie pressed back into the kiss, moving gently and slowly. his arms wrapped around eddie's waist, pulling the shorter boy closer. eddie's arms ran up richie's neck and ran through his messy, black hair. eddie wanted to melt. but this isn't right- no, richie was talking to someone. no, richie might not even be gay.

eddie suddenly snapped back to reality, looking at richie for a mere second before sprinting of the room to go find stan.

what was i thinking? wishing i could kiss richard fucking tozier? stupid


richie watched the gleam in the pool of chocolate brown as it disappeared. he got up, and sprinted. i wanted to kiss him. so bad. but the moment wasn't right. the moment would never be right. eddie wasn't interested in him, why else would he run? oh god, all richie wanted to do was pull him closer and tell him everything was alright. press his lips to his and make him feel like there was nothing else that could hurt him, and they'd barely known each other a week. i think it's time to tell bev.

"good night eddie spaghetti. see you tomorrow." richie called out after him, trying no more to hide the sadness in his voice


richie made his way to carol and bev's room, still holding his lemon-lime bitters. he dreaded the moment, but he knew bev would accept him.

"hello?" he whispered into the loneliness, knocking gently on the door. to his surprise bev opened the door, smiling as she realised richie was the one outside.

"hey rich, what's up?' bev had already been fill in on the date and she was delighted to hear that richie had taken a liking to betty. she's gonna hate him so much now.

"hi. uhm bev? i have something to tell you." she stared at his brown eyes, a waterfall threatening to spill from the rim.

"rich?" her smile faded, as she took in the view of richie in front of him. "holy shit, rich are you okay?" she quickly let the door fall close behind her, not caring whether or not she had her key, and pulled him into a hug. he was a lot taller than her, but he bent down and returned the hug, silently letting the tears slip from his eyes. bev took richie's hand and guided him down to the hotel foyer, where they could have their talk. 

they sat down on the couches at around 11pm at night, richie tried to not let the tears fall. and bev looking distraught. 

"rich, talk to me." bev whispered to richie. "please." 

"bev, okay, shit. you remember jenny?" bev's soft face turned to anger. she scowled, turning her head away before turning back to him

"what about that- that bitch?" richie took a deep breath. he looked at her, begging her to calm down. 

"yeah, okay. clearly you remember her." deep breath in, deep breath out. "bev, what i'm trying to say, i don't just like girls." bev, nodded, the anger disappearing. his voice was soft, quieter than a mouse 

"yeah..." she gestured for him to keep talking. "don't feel like you have to tell me rich." her smile was as soft as ever. 

"bev, i feel like you already know. do you know what i'm trying to tell you?" richie's eyes were threatening to cry like a cloud on a dark gloomy day again. please, please don't cry richie. please. 

"are you trying to say- you like boys, too? like- like bisexual?" bev whispered back into the silence. for a moment richie just stared at her. she knew him so well. this time, he let the tears be seen by someone. he let them flow as he pulled her into a hug. she was a little surprised at first but she hugged him back. they broke apart and she looked like she had more questions. 

"you can ask your questions." he whispered, wanting to chuckle, but he didn't have the strength.

"what made you realise?" what made me realise? i don't know. i don't fucking know. maybe it was looking at eddie for the first fucking time and wanting to kiss him like there was no tomorrow or hold him like everything in the world was gonna collapse? 

"i dunno. i've only come to terms with it recently." no, rich tell her. she'll support you any day of the week, any month of the year, till the day you die. 

"fuck. that's a lie. eddie. the moment i saw him, i felt an attraction to him, and it wasn't the first time i'd felt an attraction to a boy, but it was the first time i acknowledged it. and today, we nearly kissed, but he ran away and i knew, if he did kiss me, i'd lose my mind. i'd go fucking crazy. i wouldn't be able to control myself, and i thought, if i didn't kiss him first i'd go nuts, but if i did he would hate me, but-but then he- he ran away!. bev, i don't know what to do, i don't want to fall in love with him if he wouldn't be able to love me back, do you know what he told me once, 'i would never love boys'! and honestly, i cried all night that night. but bev, i want to fall for betty, i really want to and i don't know what to do! please, please tell me you can help."

richie was sobbing at this point. hotel workers were staring. bev didn't say anything. she pulled him back into the hug, letting him wet her pink pyjama top with tears on her shoulder. she leant toward his ear, whispering something that sent chills down his back. 

"i love you richie, you're my best friend, and i would do anything for eddie to love you back. but i can promise you now, he is definitely interested in boys. you should see the way he looks at you." richie shook his head, finally allowing himself to chuckle.

"now, lets get you to sleep, trashmouth." bev smiled and took richie by the hand, attempting to see through the dark as they made their way to the rooms. 

what they didn't see was eddie standing in the darkness, listening to everything unfold.


a/n: 😃😃


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