hot [4]

138 6 18

.・゜゜・ age ~ 15-16 (1999)  ・゜゜・.

•·.·''·.·• your lips my lips,
apocalypse •·.·''·.·



"hello?" stan said as he opened the door to their hotel room, which both boys had comfortably settled into. the door opened to reveal a shy bill, with flushed cheeks.

"hi, i'm so s-sorry i'm luh-late!" he muttered while fiddling with the strings on his hoodie.
"it's okay, come on in!" stan smiled, moving aside to welcome him into their room. just like every other room the group had booked, there were two beds, about 3 metres away from each other, and one tv right in the middle. eddie was laying on the bed, putting in a retainer preparing himself to go to bed. eddie had already discussed this with stan, eddie always went to bed early, around 6-7 pm, but he would always wake up early. he deemed them as bad habits caused by his abusive and overcontrolling mother. he had moved away to live with bill a few years ago after he'd had a fateful incident with his mother.


"they're gazebos! they're bullshit!" eddie screamed, tears threatening to spill from the rim of his eyes."no they're not, eddie-bear, please, you need to take your medication!" his mother said, picking up the tube that he had thrown on the floor, inching closer to him, holding a pill closer to his mouth. eddie kept his mouth shut, shaking his head and trying to move back.

"eddie-bear, take them!" she said, gripping the back of his head and pushing him toward the pill. eddie wanted to cry, everything inside him felt like it was twisting and turning. he managed to lift one hand, the one that he hadn't broken while riding his bike, and push her arm away from his face. she took a step back, astounded at her son's newfound rebellious behaviour.

"no." eddie glared at her once more, before running out of his house. he had no place to go, so he went to the one place that he thought could become home. bill's house.


eddie watched as stan took up half of the neatly-made, double bed that he had chosen and gestured for bill to take the seat next to him. stan picked up the remote and began to flick through various channels, attempting to find a movie for them to watch. he finally settled on one when bill screamed out. 

"oh muh-my god! i love b-batman! have yuh-you watched it?" he frantically said as stan stopped on batman. 

"no, i have not, but why don't we watch it?" stan said. stan looked happy to be with bill. they looked like they'd get along. unfortunately for eddie though, batman was an action movie and was the first of many movies the boys would watch during the movie night. 

"uhm, are you guys gonna be watching movies all night?" eddie grumbled, turning around in his bed to face the other boys. 

"oh uhm y-yeah muh-maybe," bill whispered while turning to see what stan had to say. 

"eddie, if you wanted to you could sleep in bill's room so then you could have a peaceful sleep?" 

"yuh-yeah, you can crash on muh-my bed." bill and stan were both smiling at eddie now. i don't want to! but he really had no other choice. 

"fine, give me your key." he took the key out of bill's hands. he slipped on a pair of slippers and put on one of the robes the hotel had in their cupboard. eddie's hair looked like a bird's nest but honestly, he didn't care. all he wanted was to sleep peacefully and enjoy his first night on tour with the cassettes. but bill had to come over to spend time with his little boyfriend and ruin the night. eddie loved bill, loved him to death but this- this was not the time to watch movies with stan. it was like 9:45pm and they'd watched about 2 movies, and all eddie wanted to do was fucking sleep. 

eddie stormed down the hallway, muttering and complaining under his breath until he reached the room. 853. perfect. he tapped the key to the handle and it opened. eddie entered the rooming, not expecting the beautiful sight that was about to greet his eyes. he had walked in as soon as richie had left the shower. richie's hair was wet, still dripping. his towel hung loosely around his waist, displaying his defined v-line and slight abs. richie was a tall, slim boy. but he was hot. so very hot.


a/n: boring basic ass chapter but like eddie thinks richie's hot so..... 😊🤗🤗😍

also whats ur fav 1990s movie?? mine's gotta be scream or the witches 😊

do what you will with that information 😕😕😕


- t ❤

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