richard fucking tozier [11]

117 5 19

.・゜゜・ age ~ 15-16 (1999)  ・゜゜・.

•·.·''·.·• your lips my lips
apocalypse •·.·''·.·


i know im sorry it's been richie pov for the last 2 chaps but finally we have an eddie's pov :)


maybe, maybe they'll get along. maybe they'll go on a second date? hopefully.


eddie was pissed. at everything. why did he have to go on that date? richie had come back looking genuinely happy, and although eddie wanted him to be happy, he wanted richie to be happy with him. not her.

albeit, she was pretty. like gorgeous, model pretty. eddie had suffered through the fifteen minutes richie had spent showing him the pictures they took together, both in the photo booth and with the polaroid camera she had brought with her. her cheekbones were extremely defined and her eyes were a beautiful chocolate brown colour. if i was straight i might just be attracted to her.

but im not.

richie honestly looked like he enjoyed being with her. at least more than he enjoyed being with eddie. so, eddie wanted to treasure every moment he had with richie.

── ── ── ──

trashmouth_tozier & eddie.kaspbrak's private conversation:

eddie.kaspbrak: wanna hang out today?

trashmouth_tozier: thought you'd never ask.

trashmouth_tozier: alr on my way eddie spaghetti 😘

eddie.kaspbrak: don't call me that!!!!

trashmouth_tozier: don't lie you love it 😘

eddie.kaspbrak: no.

── ── ── ──

"whose got you smiling so much, eddie?" stan chuckled from his bed.

"what- no one!" eddie rolled his eyes, a deep crimson red taking over his face.

eddie set down his phone and waited for richie. although he says that he hates richie's nicknames, he loves them and the fluttery feeling each name sends into his stomach. he flicked through tv channels until he heard a knock on the door.

"who is it?" stan groaned from the bed.

"richie, i'll go get it." eddie said, jumping off the bed incredibly fast and unlocking the door.

"ugh, the trash has arrived." stan rolled his eyes and took the opportunity to leave.

"don't lie staniel, you adore me! and you don't have to leave, we're just watching a movie." richie said, catching stan's wrist and dragging him backward.

the three boys sat down on the floor in front of the tv, in between the two beds. stan sat to one side of richie, eddie on the other side of him. eddie continued to flick through the channels on the tv until he found one that was playing a movie. scream.

"shit, i hate scary movies." stan said. "i'm inviting bill." richie and eddie chuckled. eddie rested his head on richie's shoulder, just like they'd done the first night they spent together.

"do you remember the first time you stayed over?" richie whispered sheepishly to eddie.

"yeah." eddie responded.

bill and stan shortly returned together. the four boys squished together, figuring out comfortable ways to sit together. bill tried leaning on stan, but that just caused stan to lean into richie, which in turn made richie uncomfortable. they ended up like this; stan's arm over bill's shoulder, pulling them closer but also giving them room, and eddie on the floor in between richie's widespread legs. (not in a dirty way, just simple 😭). the boys were comfortable around each other.

the movie progressed, richie had held eddie's hand as the movie they'd watched completely terrified him. stan, also terrified, had to hold bill's hand. bill and richie on the other hand, loved the movie. and to be honest, eddie wasn't only holding his hand because he was scared, he actually liked holding richie's hand. richie's hand was bigger than his, and a lot warmer. he knew that if he told richie that, richie would make some stupid 'your mama' joke or something even worse.

about half way into the movie, eddie was nodding off. his head fell to one side before he realised what was happening and snapped out of it. clearly richie noticed because he pulled eddie closer so that eddie could rest his head on richie's chest. eddie let richie do this, and just let himself rest on richie until the end of the movie.

"hey rich and eddie, i'll be back im just gonna drop bill in his room, he's pretty tired." stan said, helping an exhausted bill up from the floor. they made their way out of the room with eddie and richie still on the floor.

richie got up, letting eddie rest against the wall, the empty presence of Richie sending goosebumps up his back. He walked over to pull open the mini fridge located inside the hotel.

"rich, you'll have to pay." Eddie murmured, already half asleep.

'nah, it's not gonna be that much. want one?" richie walked back over, sitting next to eddie and handing him a lemon lime bitters. eddie took it, thanking him. "wheres the remote?" richie placed his drink on the bedside table closest to him and leaned over eddie. richie grabbed the remote off stan's bed and leant back to his seat and sighed.

richie watched as eddie stared as his pretty pink lips. all i want to do is kiss him.

and that's what he did. eddie wrapped his arms around richie's neck, pulling him down and smashing his lips onto richie's. it took a second but richie pressed back into the kiss, moving gently and slowly. his arms wrapped around eddie's waist, pulling the shorter boy closer. eddie's arms ran up richie's neck and ran through his messy, black hair. eddie wanted to melt. but this isn't right- no, richie was talking to someone. no, richie might not even be gay. 

eddie suddenly snapped back to reality, looking at richie for a mere second before sprinting of the room to go find stan.

what was i thinking? wishing i could kiss richard fucking tozier? stupid


a/n: pls don't hate me for the next chapter 😭

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