tatum jenkins [25]

84 3 20

.・゜゜・ age ~ 22 (2005)  ・゜゜・.

•·.·''·.· your lips my lips,
apocalypse •·.·''·.·



btw tatum jenkins is played by maya hawke 💗

"babe, i'm going out!" eddie calls out to the passed-out body that lay on the floor of their kitchen. guess chris got a little too excited about christmas eve. eddie rolled his eyes and left the apartment to meet up with his friend tatum jenkins, for some coffee. usually eddie would be spending his christmas day with his friends, bill, ben and mike but they'd grown apart, and hadn't spent a christmas together since ben started dating beverly 3 years ago. the only reason eddie had stopped hanging out with them at christmas was because wherever beverly was, richie was there too. bill and him still kept in contact every now and then but not too often, the last he'd heard from bill as that bill and stan were dating, ben and beverly were dating and mike and carol were still going strong. it made eddie happy to know that his friends were happy too but it broke his heart to see richie, eddie doesn't even know if he's still dating that women, i can't even remember such an irrelevant name. 


"eddie!" tatum screamed, pulling eddie into a tight hug. they broke off the hug and placed their stuff down as they took a seat at a table. 

"so...how's chris?" tatum's smile faltered a little. she knew about the fact that chris was completely reliant on eddie, and she kept telling him about the fact that he might start hitting eddie any day now, because apparently with an alcohol addiction comes violence. 

"he's uhm, you know. before coming here i told him i was going out, but he was just passed-out on the floor." eddie rubbed the back of his neck before finishing his sentence. 

"shit, eddie, you need to get out of this relationship, he's going to do something to ruin it, you know?" eddie shook his head. he knew chris, and although he was an alcoholic, he would never hurt a fly. 

"i don't think so tatum, if he does turn to hurting me, i'll leave him," eddie reached for her hand, lacing his fingers through hers and gripping her hand harder. "i promise." she smiled, although she look exhausted, eddie could tell she believed him. and honestly, he believed himself too. 


for a while, the two sat in the coffee shop discussing random things, like school, boys (tatum's in a situationship), and food. but soon the clock struck 5pm and he headed home, only to find an email from 'rtt'.

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to: rttofficial@yahoo.com

from: ed03yahoo.com

subject: re: pen pal letters


hi t,

it's nice to hear from you! i think we will hit it off, i agree. anyway thank you for answering the topic, but i guess it is my turn now. okay, let's see. once when i was 5, back when my dad was alive, i was learning to ride a bike. i wasn't good at it, so i like fell over. and i fell onto a bunch of rocks and they cut most of my hand and arms and i was really really upset and scared. my dad didn't help me, instead he just gave me the bandaids and he taught me how to put one on and then i did the rest. i guess it was kinda special to me because after he died i always promised myself i'd never forget him and it's kinda hard to forget that moment when i'm planning on doing medicine. i guess it doesn't really have a correlation but i want to become a doctor just so i can hold on to all my memories off him because for some reason, i just think it's right. 

here's the topic for your next email: what's the saddest song you've ever heard and why?

ii think we did hit off t



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