pen pal [23]

94 4 16

chapter 2:

.・゜゜・ age ~ 22 (2005)  ・゜゜・.

•·.·''·.· your lips my lips,
apocalypse •·.·''·.·



it'd been more than six years since eddie had run out on richie. he'd run away to chris's apartment, where he'd lived for almost six years now. chris had taken him in and cared for him, until he didn't. about six months into living together, he had lost his job and relied completely on eddie and his student loans. 

"eddie baby!!" chris slurred his words, entering eddie's study room holding a beer. right. i forgot to mention his alcohol addiction. 


after eddie ran away from his friends, and never spoke to them again, he had faced severe anxiety. i guess you could say they really were everything to me. it was only six months later that eddie had realised what a horrible idea he had had. eddie now saw a therapist, where he lived in georgia. yes, the day eddie ran away, he caught multiple trains and bought a flight ticket to georgia. the night they met they'd hit it off but chris had only been on vacation. they'd exchanged phone numbers and eddie had agreed to move in with him after the tour, however after the incident with richie he had just arrived a little earlier. 

it'd been six years but it still broke his heart. 

as apart of a therapeutic exercise, eddie had a pen pal hat he would write to about his life, and worries, disclosing no name or other personal information. they were anonymous friends. it was high tech fancy emails now. (a/n: the email set out it below) 

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subject: pen pal letters


hi, hey anonymous friend.

im ed which is not my real name by the way, but it is what you can call me and i am a 22 year old male. i live and study in georgia. i currently the university of georgia. i have a boyfriend whose name i will not disclose, and i am gay. i don't really know what to talk about, so i'll just talk about the things that i do and i don't like and then give you a conversation topic to discuss after you reply to my email. if you can't tell, i like to be very planned and have everything set out. i also really enjoy spending time with my boyfriend, except when he's drunk (which is almost all the time) and i like to read. i am studying bio-medicine at university and if i get the chance i would like to go to an ivy school for my masters. i like the song weak by the cherry cassettes (a/n: this is the song weak by ajr). i do not like guys who play guitars though. they're stuck up and have crude humour. i also do not like coke bottle glasses. i also hate the song apocalypse by the cherry cassettes. it just annoys the fuck out of me. am i allowed to swear? whatever im sure whoever you are you won't care and if you do, well then sucks for you. i also don't like dogs licking me, but i do like them in general. 

here's the topic: what was your best experience or summer?

i hope we hit it off, thanks for talking to me. 



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and sent! god, i hope he's nice.

a/n: i know i pulled a love, simon, but trust me it's gonna be good.

opinions on eddie  & chris and who the pen pal might be? jk ofc u know who it is. 

also sorry for late update lOL

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