dinner pt2 [32]

82 4 28

.・゜゜・ age ~ 23 (2006)  ・゜゜・.

•·.·''·.· your lips my lips,
apocalypse •·.·''·.·



"wait, you and stan are dating?" eddie stopped, pointing a fork at bill. bill laughed while nodding. 

"holy shit! i knew something was going on that tour! that's why richie constantly had to stay in my room or i had to constantly stay in his room!" richie broke out in laughter. the memories had all flooded back during this conversation.

"and- and i cannot believe that mike and carol are still together- i mean that's what you call a strong couple!" richie had forgotten how much he loved eddie's laughter. it was like receiving a lovely warm hug in the middle of a terrifying storm. and that storm only seemed to be betty. how had he been convinced he was in love with betty, yet his feelings from so many years before had just hit him like a wave? 

"i can-cannot b-believe ho-how much y-you missed! yuh-you shuh-should totally cuh-come around h-h-here more often!" bill said, smiling. 

"i'm glad we're able to catch up like this. i can't believe i was dumb enough to run out so many years ago." eddie said, his smile slightly faltering. richie quickly looked at his wrist. his word still hadn't faded over seven years. richie thought that him telling eddie would've caused them to lose each other, yet it still hadn't happened. 


their dinner had concluded but richie didn't want to let eddie go. he didn't want to see the guy who'd become his best friend in the span of almost 6 months leave. he didn't want to see his soulmate walk out that door. 

"eddie!" he called, running up to the door where eddie was slipping on his shoes. "i was actually coming to ask you if you uh wanted to stay a little while? maybe stay and watch a movie with me?" eddie nodded, immediately slipping off his shoes and following richie to his bedroom. 

he gestured for eddie to sit on his bed while richie searched for blankets. 

"what do you wanna watch?" richie said while sitting next to eddie on the bed, throwing blankets over their feet. 

"i dunno. maybe a horror or a romcom. those are my two options and no in-between." eddie said, causing richie to let out a light laugh. 

"what about a thriller? or is that in the in-between area?" richie said, clicking through the thrillers section. 

"that's in the in-between area, babe." eddie said sarcastically, resting his head on richie's shoulder.

 "fine!" richie fake-scoffed, turning to look at eddie. eddie's freckles were still the same, and richie knew he would still struggle to count the freckles on the other boy's face. richie watched as eddie pulled out his phone and googled 'movies to watch with a close friend'. this made richie's heart flutter, after seven years, he was still a close friend to eddie. 

"what about mean girls? i remember tatum talking about it but i've never seen it." eddie said, turning his head back to look up at richie. 

"yeah i heard bev and carol talking about it too. so let's put it on." eddie nodded and put his phone down, still leaning onto richie's shoulder. and they stayed like this, for a good portion of the movie too. 

richie could faintly hear eddie's heartbeat as the movie was going on, and it sort made him calmer. suddenly, eddie moved, lifting richie's arm over his shoulders and resting his head on richie's chest. richie could feel the heat rush to his cheeks as eddie continued to watch the movie. they were close, eddie could be making up for lost time. maybe he forget that they were soulmate? maybe that's why he's acting so friendly? 

richie was sure they'd figure it out earlier, but for now, they were close. and richie was happy that they were. he'd been away from his best friend for so long, it felt good to have him close again. richie gripped eddie's shoulder to pull him closer. they stayed like this, enjoying the movie for the rest of the night. yet one thought continued to linger in his mind; did he forget?


a/n: i promise there will be better fluff! im just going through a rough patch- i might rewrite this though

love ya!


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