rehearsal dinner pt 2 [38]

88 3 88

.・゜゜・ age ~ 23-24 (2007)  ・゜゜・.

•·.·''·.· your lips my lips,
apocalypse •·.·''·.·



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trashmouth: excited to invite everyone to our incredible wedding rehearsal on the twenty-sixth of february! @bripsom

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trashmouth: excited to invite everyone to our incredible wedding rehearsal on the twenty-sixth of february! @bripsom

marsh_hanscom: AHH! our trashmouth is getting married!!
it's crazy i never thought anyone would marry him
trashmouth: come on stanny, you love me!

mikey_the_sheep: did you do a photoshoot
oops! you caught us

╰── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╯

eddie rolled his eyes at betty's reply and shut his phone off. after all of the things he had talked about with bill and ben, he was still no closer to admitting to richie that he still loved him. like ben said, some closure would be extremely useful, but eddie was still fucking terrified. like, it's not easy to tell someone who you fell in love with at 16 and then never talked to again for 6 years until now that you're in love with them, right?  people in movies just make it seem to easy.

and now he's fucking getting married. honestly, it still weirded eddie out because richie and him still hadn't talked about the kiss and he's invited to the rehearsal dinner and wedding? eddie thought back to what bill had said the last time he talked to bill. why hadn't the word disappeared? 

eddie looked down once more at his wrist, reading the word. apocalypse. he had a vague idea of what apocalypse meant, but he'd been so distracted by everything he'd never really looked it up. it meant something like the work ending or something- right? he pulled out his phone and typed in the word, a-p-o-c-a-l-y-p-s-e. 

"the complete and final destruction of the world." eddie read out loud. how the fuck does that relate to me and richie? usually, soulmate words have something to do with the relationship between the soulmates or something to do with either one of them. eddie was sure of this, after all ben's word had been fire and it perfectly described bev, and they ended up being soulmates. bill's word was 'saudade' meaning a longing to be near someone who is distant or that has been loved or lost, but the love still remained. it perfectly described the relationship between stan and bill. 

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