incredible co-worker [35]

76 4 25

.・゜゜・ age ~ 23 (2006)  ・゜゜・.

•·.·''·.· your lips my lips,
apocalypse •·.·''·.·



it'd been over two months since eddie had last seen richie. eddie was scared to face richie again, especially after that kiss, but eddie was also nearing his graduation date and would have to move out of tatum's house sooner or later. he'd managed to get a job (thank god) at a small bookshop at the corner of a strip mall. it wasn't an overly popular store, but a fair amount of people came by to purchase a (usually big) load of books. 

today was eddie was writing an email to his pen pal, which he was doing on the job. 

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subject: re: pen pal letters


hi t!

i haven't spoken to you in a while, but it's nice to know that i can always write to you when i want to. first of all, i broke up with my boyfriend after he proposed to me. i sorta just realised the he wasn't the one for me? but it doesn't matter because i ended up reconnecting with some of my old friends. i got a job about four days ago at a book shop near the end of the strip mall down johnson's lane. you should see the incredible collection of books that they have here, it's so cool! i did meet a new co-worker today, her name is max and she says she's pansexual and that she's dating this girl named eleanor that she's known since highschool. i think it's pretty cool that they've known each other for so long, it sort of gives me hope for love. i'm also graduating soon, which is kind of scary but also exciting. i've come a long way and it makes me proud to think that i have come so far. im also having a lot of trouble with my love life. i have this really close friend that i think im in love with but i dont know how to tell him, because he's proposing to his girlfriend and its scary because he kissed me even though he's still dating his girlfriend and he's still planning on proposing to her. everyone tells me that the boy's in love with me too, but i dont know because he seems pretty in love with his girlfriend. it hurts, t. it really hurts. 



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"whatcha doing?" max peered over eddie's shoulder just as he hit the send button. eddie almost jumped out of his skin when she spoke. 

"god, you nearly gave me a heart attack!" eddie cried, shoving his phone back into his pocket. 

"whatcha doing?" she repeated, walking past the counter so she was standing opposite him. 

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