proposal [28]

79 2 16

.・゜゜・ age ~ 23 (2006)  ・゜゜・.

•·.·''·.· your lips my lips,
apocalypse •·.·''·.·


this chapter's gonna be short - lmao i wrote this before writing the chapter and i looked back and i was like baby, this is like ur avg chap


richie and betty lay in their bed (well technically richie's bed but betty decided to join him tonight), richie in a pair of boxers and a plain grey t-shirt. betty lay next to him in her fancy peter alexander blue satin pyjamas. the silence was comfortable, almost sweet. richie wrapped his arm around her stomach and pulled her closer to him, but she shifted to face him.

"thank you for tonight richie. i love you." she pressed a deep kiss to his lips. "happy new year." she murmured before letting her eyes shut.


richie sat at the giant breakfast table that sat in the middle of the room. the breakfast table was a circular one that had 10 chairs placed all around it, and at this point in time, 9/10 seats were taken up. they were all seated in this order; richie, betty, stan, bill, mike, carol, ben, bev, stella (betty's sister) and the empty seat. 

richie was eating some frootloops as he watched videos on this relatively new app called youtube. richie watched random videos like this one about this guy going to the zoo, and then other ones like funny cat videos. he often heard betty laugh over his shoulder or hear some snorting from bev who would catch a glimpse of a video while walking behind him. 

"bev are we still recording at the studio?" richie asked as he got up, switching his phone off and shoving it in his pocket so he could look up at a smiling bev and a nervous ben. richie knew why ben looked so nervous. today was the day. ben was planning on proposing to bev, and richie's job was to distract her. 

the plan was to take bev to the recording studio, sing one of the duets the two had been working on and then richie was supposed to casually suggest grabbing coffee and hanging out at a park, where ben and the rest of the group appear and ben would get down on his knee and pull out the ring. then richie would say something like 'holy shit bev! look there's a fucking cute ass doggie!!' and then she would turn around and obviously sob and say yes because benverly, as the rest of the group called the couple, is cutest as hell and they deserve their happy ending. 

"yeah, let's go rich" bev smiled, kissing ben before linking her arm in richie's and dragging him away while skipping. 


╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮


we're here benny boy!!

hey haystack!!

we're waitingggg!!


im here

just hurry up and come to the gazebo alr!!


jeez alr, omw

╰── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╯

"who you texting?" bev chuckled, leaning to peer onto richie's screen, but unfortunately for her, richie was too quick. 

"no one, bevvie. now, let's go sit in that gazebo, my legs are tired." richie faked limped over to the gazebo with a scoffing bev following him. 

"you're such a weirdo" richie could basically hear bev rolling her eyes from behind him. 

"but you love me? why else would you've stuck with me for so long, from the ups and downs?" richie chuckled, turning around and pinching both of her cheeks while she tried to push him away. 

"loser, and obviously." she finally managed to push him off as they entered the gazebo. as they entered, they realised that there weren't any chairs and bev continued to laugh as richie pretended to fall to the floor in desperate need of chairs. 

"oh holy shit bev- look! there's a cuteass dog behind you!!" richie screamed, picking himself off the floor instantly as bev turned around, not to be greeted by the dog, but instead by ben, on one knee, holding out a ring he had picked himself that he knew beverly would like. 

ben was smiling, almost holding in tears, but bev- bev was in shock, her boba in one hand had been completely disregarded, she was almost about to drop it before richie took it out of her hand. 

"beverly, we've been together for a while now, five years and counting, and i just think that the last thing left to do in our relationship is tie the knot. i have loved you for so long, from the day i first laid eyes on you on that tour, i fell in love with everything about you. i don't think words could express how beautiful i think you are, or how much i love you, and honestly, neither can numbers. so bev, bevvy, my love, will you do me the honours of making me the happiest man in the world, and becoming mrs beverly hanscom?" ben held his hand out, waiting for beverly to give her hand. 

at this point, beverly had tears streaming down her face. ben was almost crying too, but he was smiling as if he was looking at the most beautiful girl in the world, which in his eyes, he was. 

"yes- yes! a thousand fucking times yes, ben! i love you so much- you have no fucking idea!" beverly screamed, extending her hand to reach his. 

honestly, richie had never seen something more pure, he was so fucking happy for his best friend. beverly turned around to face richie, smiling and holding out her hand. richie thought it was to display the ring, that was until bev slapped his arm. 

"ow! bev?!" richie cried, holding out one hand to question why she did that. 

"that's for lying to me about the dog." she hmphed, turning away to hug ben. 

"well, thank you for that wonderful 'thank you'. and congratulations you two!" richie smiled, embracing both bev and ben into a hug. 

you know what? i'm gonna propose to betty, i think


yesss benverly finally happened!!! :)))))))))))

anywayyy opinions on how richie should propose to betty?

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