kick ass [17]

117 6 24

.・゜゜・ age ~ 15-16 (1999)  ・゜゜・.

•·.·''·.· your lips my lips,
apocalypse •·.·''·.·



"maybe you can fuck her again while your at it." eddie spat before slamming the door in his face.

but eddie, i don't want her. i want you.


eddie's brain hurt. although he didn't wanna be mad at richie, he kinda didn't have a choice. they'd barely spoken in the past few weeks, but only because of eddie. eddie would take every opportunity to throw richie dirty looks or scowls. he couldn't tell if richie was also pissed or if he was upset. he guessed that's what they lacked in their relationship, communication. 

they had now arrived in new jersey and were now on the bus, for the cassettes' performance they'd be staying in hotel together. unfortunately for richie, his girlfriend had a photo shoot and couldn't come with them. which meant carol had to announce the new rooms today, on the bus. 

"alright guys, since betty can't make it these are the new rooms; stan and ben, mike and bill, bev and i, and richie and eddie," eddie groaned to himself. "and, we'll be doing a workshop, alright? a tennis class, ya know, for fun! your partners for the workshop will be your roommates." this only made things worse. 

"we're actually going straight the lesson. we're not stopping to drop by the accommodation." this earnt many groans from the rest of the bus. stan held up his middle finger to carol and scowled. 

he had to spend an entire tennis class with richie. the guy he was mad at. pissed at. he wanted to wrap his hands around his neck and squeeze but also at the same time he wanted to wrap his arms around him and kiss him. how can i be mad at someone so cute?! 

because he blew you off? oh. right. fuck him. that's what you wanna do, but ya can't. not funny. 

"so, eds?" richie pleaded, but eddie just rolled his eyes. 

"that's not my fucking name, asshole." he spat. 


the bus shortly arrived at the destination. eddie was lucky. he'd picked the best outfit to wear, a pair of pink board shorts, and a white polo shirt. but richie, god, richie had picked the worst outfit. a pair of loose jeans hung from his waist and a grey graphic shirt drooped over his lanky build. richie, stupidly, had dressed as the rockstar he is, his jeans were held up by a leather studded belt, still barely managing to do its job. his famous leather jacket, embroidered with different brand names and quotes, and badges also pinned across the chest area. it was weird, not seeing him in his stupid hawaiian shirts, but it was their travelling time which meant a fan could see them. richie's stupid coke bottle glasses were still slighting skewed, hanging on for dear life at the tip of his nose. 

eddie watched as richie groaned as they got out of the bus, realising he was definitely not ready to play tennis like that. 

"why the sour face, richard?" eddie snickered as richie and him made their way to collect tennis rackets. what eddie didn't tell the rest of the group, was that he'd actually played tennis for 7 years when he was younger, from when he was 7 to when he was 14, and not gonna lie, he was good at it. richie scowled. 

"shut up ed-" richie rolled his eyes, beginning to reply.

"hello, welcome to jerry's tennis club! you must be the cherry cassettes! thank you for booking our session! let's begin, do any of you know what size racket you are?" 

"yeah, i'm a size 27." eddie stated, as he the man guided the group over to the rackets. 

"wait eds, how do ya know?" richie whispered into eddie's ear as the man held out a racket for eddie. 

"i'll take it many of you are 27s since you all seem about the same age, so here." the man continued while holding out multiple rackets for the rest of the group. 

"i did tennis for a long time. now shut up and let's go." eddie muttered back. richie rolled his eyes. eddie's anger was wearing out, and richie could tell. 

they made their way to the courts, richie and eddie preparing to play singles against each other. richie barely knew how to hold a racket and was about to be destroyed by eddie. eddie served and almost hit a startled richie with his ace. 

"dude, what the fuck?" richie screamed as the ball whizzed past him. the wind was blowing right through richie's hair, making the man look like a model. 

"wowza! amazing serve!" the man walked by as eddie had finished his serve. eddie chuckled, and served again. 

the serve barely missed richie this time, and richie almost screamed. 

"okay holy fucking shit! you're crazy! we should challenge the others to some sort of like pairs tennis- ya know? shit, what's it called? duos? no, pairs? no uhm, duel-" richie sprinted over to eddie's side of the court.

"doubles, richard. doubles. and yeah, i guess so." eddie felt a hot blush creep onto his cheeks as richie approached him. 

"eds- eddie, listen. i know you're mad, but can you please forgive me? it's been weeks!" richie whispered, tucking a piece of hair behind his ears. richie stared him directly in the eyes, the distance between them was small again. they were close enough for eddie to feel richie's hot breath, making him shiver.

"fine." eddie rolled his eyes, fighting back a smile. 

richie wrapped his arms around eddie's neck and pulled him closer. 

"rich!" eddie yelped. 

 this is the closest they're gonna get. eddie, a little surprised, took a moment to adjust but still wrapped his arms around richie's face. 

"i missed you." the heat of richie's breath once again made eddie's body shiver. 

"me too." eddie chuckled as the two boys pulled apart. "now, let's go kick ass." 


a/n: they made up!!! <33

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