An Unanticipated Arrival

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Dracaena loaded her trunk into the waiting carriage two days later, yawning at the early hour, dressed simply in a green tartan jacket, neat blouse and long, charcoal skirt. The sun had barely risen, the sky still softly coloured with hues of peach and ruby, lightening to blue. Her grandmother stood on the step between the potted daffodils, in her thick, quilted dressing gown, though the air was already warm.

"Bye, Gran," Dracaena said, stepping up to embrace her.

"You enjoy yourself, sweetheart," she said, her iron hair still in pink rollers. "Mind you behave yourself, and get good marks in your exams!" she smiled a little tremulously, and reached out to fiddle with the long, dark emerald bow at her granddaughter's collar.

"I will, I promise," Dracaena kissed her papery, wrinkled cheek, hugged her tightly, then hurried to the carriage, jumping over the swarms of aster daisies at the side of the road. She waved and climbed in, twisting in her seat as the carriage began to trundle away, keeping her eyes on her grandmother until they had rounded a bend, the cobbled streets becoming dusty stone, the rolling hills speeding by as the driver flicked the reins.

Two hours. That was all it would be before she was back at King's Cross, sliding through the barrier and back into the world of magic. She shivered, wriggling excitedly in her seat. Her final year! She really ought to make the most of it, and find time to explore the castle more fully, on top of her studies. There was still so much to do, so much to see! Could she really do it all in one year?

Perhaps she needn't leave Hogwarts at the end of the year. If she spoke with Professor Weasley, surely she'd be able to sort something out where she could return, perhaps for an internship, or even a job. She had no idea what she'd teach, but surely there was some kind of further education in the wizarding world? She couldn't imagine going to a muggle university once all this was over with.

Or what if she did go on to train as an Auror, as Ominis had suggested? Perhaps she'd be a curse-breaker for Gringotts, or a treasure hunter? Dracaena shook her head. Plenty of time to think about that later. She needed to get her NEWTs first.

The rolling hills surrounding them sped by, rising and then flattening to grassy plains as the carriage trundled on, a light breeze carrying scents of sweet honeysuckle and yellow hyacinth. Dracaena breathed deeply, trying to capture these scents of home, for all too soon they would become the smog and smoke of London, though none of it compared to the clear, crisp air of the Scottish Highlands.

She was almost beside herself with excitement as the carriage finally rolled to a stop outside the station. Handing over a fistful of coins without looking at them, Dracaena launched herself out and grabbed her trunk, dragging it over the busy, cobbled street and into the station. Winding through the crowd, she glanced over her shoulder and hurled herself through the barrier, Platform 9 ¾ revealing itself in a flash.

The Hogwarts Express awaited her, gleaming scarlet and huffing steam over the platform, crowded with students and their families. Grinning, Dracaena bounded forward, hauling her trunk, as the people thronging the platform shouted to one another over the clamour of the crowd, pressing together and flowing apart like an ocean as the train hissed great clouds of steam over them all.

"Natsai!" she shouted, waving. The young black woman turned, her face splitting into a wide, toothy grin, her eyes crinkling as Dracaena almost pounced on her, hugging her tightly.

"Ah, my friend! It has been too long!" Natty stepped back and gripped her arms, looking her up and down. "Well, you are ever more beautiful each time I see you! Perhaps you will break some hearts this year?"

"I doubt it," Dracaena laughed, taking her hands and squeezing them, admiring Natty's colourful dress of orange and pink. She raised her hand and twirled her around. "Speaking of breaking hearts, look at you! You look wonderful."

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