A New Way to Live

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Dracaena quietly tucked the letter back into the envelope, melting the back of the wax seal with a tiny burst of heat from her wand and pressing it back into place. She sighed, resting her chin on her knees as she wrapped her arms around herself.

Even now, she wasn't sure if she should give Anne's letter to Sebastian. It was full of regret and pain, and she had no doubt that both he and Ominis would blame themselves for not reaching out to her. Yes, her forgiveness was in that letter, but with it came the pain of knowing she died alone, wishing she had seen them again.

She stared down at the envelope, and was seized by a sudden urge to fling it away. Without it, surely her beloved partners would heal faster? Would it not be better for them not to know Anne felt such remorse? They'd only blame themselves.

Anne hadn't mentioned her at all.

Dracaena made a face. Why on earth was she surprised, even hurt by this? She'd barely known the other woman, but the way Ominis and Sebastian had spoken so often of her, it was almost like she was there with them sometimes, taking over so much of their lives. Ominis had written to Anne so often in sixth year, and he'd admitted he spoke of them and their adventures, and Anne knew how close she and Sebastian had grown during fifth year. Surely she merited a footnote, at least? A PS? A hope that she'd look after them?

Dracaena scoffed and got to her feet. Was she jealous, of all things? Jealous of a dead woman not mentioning her in her last goodbye? What right had she to expect that? Just because almost everyone else she knew would have...

She shook her head like a dog trying to rid its ears of fleas. If she really was disappointed by her lack of inclusion, if she truly thought that hiding Sebastian's last words from his twin was a good idea, then she was more terrible of a person than she first thought. She had to give it to him, to be there for him, for him and Ominis both in their time of need. She had never truly been the most important person in their relationship, no matter how much affection they showered her with.

No. It was them. Sebastian and Ominis meant more to her than anything else, anyone else in the whole world. They were the most important things in her life, and no matter her own thoughts and feelings, she had to do what was right for them. Had she not learned to her detriment that serving herself first and being a coward in the face of fear resulted in nothing but pain and loss?

Yes, it was her fault Anne had died. Yes, she hadn't done enough. Yes, she had promised Sebastian she would help cure her, and she had failed to deliver, shying away at every opportunity. She had to do better, she had to be better before any other awful tragedy befell them all. To hell with herself. She'd make it so no one could ever hurt them again. Not the Gaunts, not the Ministry, not even that awful Fotheringham.

Dracaena got to her feet, staring out over the street, noting with faint interest the eagle perched on the chimney of the cottage opposite. A rare sight in this corner of the world indeed, and Dracaena decided to take it as some kind of good omen. She needed one. She squared her shoulders and turned about, heading back into the kitchen and blinking in surprise as she saw Ominis at the table, his hands wrapped around a mug of tea.

"Ah, there you are," he said, his voice monotone. "I did wonder."

"Sorry," Dracaena said, taking a seat beside him as he lowered his head. "I just needed some air. Where's Sebastian?"

"Still in bed," Ominis replied. "I don't think he's going to come down."

She laid a hand on his arm. "Are you alright?"

Ominis huffed something that might have been a laugh under any other circumstance. "I'll be fine."

Dracaena bit her lip at the lie, wanting to push through this wall of intangible grief around him, but she knew him well enough by now to know that it would only serve to anger him if she forced her way in. Instead, she placed the envelope on the table, resting the edge of it against his hand. "I did something I don't think I should have," she whispered.

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