Homework and Wandwork

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Surprisingly, Sebastian didn't join them in the Room, nor did they see him at lunch, or dinner. As they made their way back to the common room, their concern growing with each step, Dracaena leaned into Ominis, her hand finding his, her heart thundering in her chest.

"You don't think something awful's happened, do you?" she whispered.

"Merlin, I hope not," he replied. "I'm sure it's perfectly innocent, and he's just been working with Professor Weasley to get up to speed on all he's got to do this year. We haven't been at Hogwarts long enough for him to get into trouble."

"I don't know about that," Dracaena said, biting her lip. "He always had such an affinity for it."

"He never did care for the rules," Ominis said, his hand tightening in hers. "I do hope he's not reverted to his old ways. The consequences will be so much more severe if he does."

Dracaena nodded, and they sped up, passing into the common room and hurrying to the dorms. Ominis opened the door, and Dracaena peered over his shoulder.

Sebastian was curled up in bed, fast asleep, an open book lying next to his hand, his fingers ink-stained, still dressed. He looked incredibly peaceful, the way his lips were parted ever-so-slightly, his thick, dark hair already messy, his breathing soft and steady. As one, Dracaena and Ominis both let out a small sigh of relief.

"Thank God," Dracaena said. "I was really worried for a moment. He's there, asleep."

"I can hear him," Ominis replied, tilting his head. "He's not pretending, either, he's actually out for the count. I'm glad. He needs his rest."

Dracaena gripped his hand as he made to move inside. "What do you mean?"

Ominis' face betrayed no emotion. "He just needs his sleep," he replied, his tone as neutral as his expression. "If you don't mind, I'm rather tired myself. We've got Transfiguration first thing, and I'd like to be well rested for it."

But he stepped closer, his hands rising, brushing her arms, sliding to her back and pulling her close.

"I meant it, before," he murmured. "Whatever you need, whenever you need, I'll be here for you. I promise."

"Thank you, Ominis. I'm here for you too." She squeezed him tight, then released him, stepping back as he closed the door, softly.

Dracaena took a moment to compose herself, willing her fluttering heart to be still. It seemed so foolish now, but it had seemed like such a real possibility that Sebastian had gone from them once again. To have him back, so briefly, only for him to be ripped away from her again...

But no, everything was alright. He was still here.

With a soft sigh, she retired to one of the low, emerald sofas before the fireplace, shooing a second-year out of the way. She pulled out her essay for Professor Hecat, groaning as she measured. She still had eight inches to go.


The following morning, Sebastian joined them a little late to breakfast. He flopped to the table, yawning, his hair uncombed, his tie askew. Dracaena tutted and reached over to straighten it.

"You can't possibly still be tired," she said, fussing with his collar. "You were sound asleep by eight last night."

"Spying on me, were you?" he said, with a small grin.

"Only a little," she grinned right back.

"We were concerned," Ominis said, from her other side. "We didn't see you all day."

"Yeah, well, I was working with Professor Weasley for most of the day. The only break I had was for an hour with Professor Binns."

Ominis snorted. "So you managed to get another hour's sleep?"

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