A Promise Kept 🌶️

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Sebastian returned about an hour later, a grim expression on his face. He settled down next to Dracaena, Ominis curled in her lap as she stroked his hair softly.

"Well?" she asked.

"No good," he muttered. He reached over and poked Ominis, who stirred with a mutter. "Sorry mate, I tried, but they saw right through it. They know everything and want to talk to you. Now."

Ominis pushed himself to sit, leaning back against Dracaena. She wrapped her arms around his chest. "What kind of trouble should I expect?"

Sebastian rubbed the back of his neck. "I don't know... but they're pissed. I'd expect at least a week of detention and some docked house points, maybe more."

"I thought as much." Ominis shifted, climbing to his feet with a weary sigh. "I suppose I ought to face the music, as it were." He chuckled wryly. "It's almost a shame I can't rely on my family's name to protect me anymore."

Dracaena scrambled to stand. "But you were protecting me!" she said. "They can't fault you for that!"

Ominis shrugged. "I rather expect they most certainly can, considering I beat the little bastard senseless," he said. "I may have been a tad overzealous." He passed a soft smile in her direction. "Shall I meet you back here or in the Room?"

"The Room's closer," Sebastian said. "We'll wait there."

"I can go with you," Dracaena offered.

"I'd rather you didn't," Ominis said. "Contrition isn't a face I wear well, and I'd like to maintain some semblance of my dignity." He leaned in and brushed a chaste kiss over her cheek before striding out, his head down.

Dracaena glanced at Sebastian as the iron gate slammed shut, eyeing the set of his shoulders. "I get the feeling you're not telling me everything."

He gave her a look. "It's creepy when you read my mind like that."

"I'm not!"

He chuckled. "Well... alright. I thought I'd have a chance at twisting the story a bit, making it seem like Prewett did more than just spit a slur at you. Got my ear chewed off for it, because someone else got to Black first."

"Oh?" her eyes narrowed. "Who?"

Sebastian grimaced. "Don't tell Ominis," he said, and raised his hands as she glared. "Seriously. Don't. He'll flip."

Dracaena folded her arms and waited. Sebastian sighed.

"It was Duncan Hobhouse," he said. "Little shit saw it all and went running to tattle straight away. If Ominis finds out it was him, we'll be cleaning Hobhouse's guts off the ceiling for weeks, and we probably won't find his head."

Dracaena spat a curse. "Alright, I see what you mean. Just what is their feud all about, anyway?"

"Haven't a clue, he just hisses at me if I ask," Sebastian shrugged. "Come on, love. Let's get upstairs."

He took her hand and led her out, the pair of them walking through the bustling halls, trying to draw as little attention to themselves as possible. Unfortunately, they might as well have been imitating a pair of dancing suits of armour, for every eye was drawn to them instantly, and the students converged on them like flies to honey, gabbling questions and theories. But all Sebastian had to do was bare his teeth and brandish his wand, his arm around her, and the crowd backed off.

Reaching the Room, Dracaena began to pace, wringing her hands.

"I've got a terrible feeling that he might be in more trouble than just a detention or two," she muttered. "He really hurt Prewett. I'm glad he did, the little shit deserved it for just existing, but..." she turned, finding Sebastian leaning against a pillar, trying and failing to hide his concern with a grim smile. "Bassy. Will he be expelled?"

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