Dual Beats 🌶️

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Dracaena headed for the Astronomy Tower, her hands frozen on her broom, her tears long dried into chilly streaks. Lighting next to Amit's favourite telescope, and immensely glad there was no stargazing this evening, she shivered her way back inside, stuffing her broom in her pocket. She stifled a yawn, her eyes dragging. It was such a long way down to the common room. Surely it would be sensible to take a quick nap in the Room, where it was warm, well lit, and about as far as she could get from Rookwood's haunting visage? Just an hour, then she'd go back down, and she'd think about what to tell Sebastian in the morning.

She shouldered her way into the Room, and Sebastian jerked on the sofa, waking up with a jolt.

"Drac?" he leapt to his feet and dashed to her. "Are you alright?"

"What are you doing here?" she managed, taking him in, still in his pyjamas, barefoot and anxious.

"Waiting for you," he said, taking her hands. "Merlin, Drac, you're freezing!"

He wrapped his arms around her, massaging his hands over her back. She shivered again, cuddling close, sliding her hands under his top, and he yelped as her icy fingers crept over his deliciously warm skin.

"What? I'm just trying to get warm," she muttered, unable to stop the small smirk that flittered to her lips. It fell away almost instantly as she turned to him. "Bassy..."

"It's alright," he said, leading her to the sofa and throwing a blanket around her shoulders. "Take your time. Can I get you anything?"

She didn't reply, and he touched her face, turning her to look at him.

"Drac? You are alright, aren't you? You're really pale."

She shivered again and leaned against him, huddling up and tucking her face into his shoulder and he held her.

"I'm sorry," she whispered.

He stilled a moment, then held her tighter, resting his head on her hair.

"I'm guessing that means it didn't work. It's alright, Drac, I didn't have much hope for it."

"No, it did..." she said, and shuddered. "But I was right. He wouldn't tell me."

Sebastian leaned back, his face a mask of concern. "It... worked? Rookwood came?"

She nodded, curling up against him, pushing him so that he lay down, nuzzling into him. "It was awful. He said horrible things, Bassy. He was never going to tell me, he just used it as a chance to hurt me one last time."

"Did he?" Sebastian ran his hand over her hair, shifting, trying to look at her face, but she turned away, clutching a fistful of his pyjamas, burying her face in his chest.

"No... but it was still horrible. I'm so sorry. He'll never tell us. I failed you."

"No, you didn't," he murmured, pressing his lips to her hair. "You did more than I ever wanted, Drac. I never should have asked you. I'm sorry."

Dracaena shivered again. "But Anne..."

"There'll be something," he said. "But I don't want to think about that right now. I'm worried about you."

"I'm fine."

"Yeah, you sure look it," he said, his tone lightly teasing, his fingers winding through her hair, gently rubbing the base of her skull, his other hand holding her steady. "I'm here, whatever you need."

She sighed, relaxing against him. "I'm really sorry, Bassy. I feel like I've let you down."

"You haven't," he insisted. "Don't blame yourself for Rookwood doing exactly what you expected him to."

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