The Room of Requirement

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It was nearing four in the morning before Dracaena gave up on trying to puzzle out the cryptic note Fotheringham had left under her pillow, not to mention how he'd crept into the castle, known how to get into the Slytherin dorm and known which bed was hers. She eased herself out of bed, put on a pair of slippers and hurried to the door, poking her head out and scanning the dimly lit common room.

It was quiet and still, but she still cast a sneaky Revelio just in case. When she saw no one lurking in the shadows, she skittered across the landing in her pyjamas and rushed into Sebastian and Ominis' dorm.

Sebastian was snoring, but Ominis was awake, propped against his pillows, his wand tracing over the pages of a book. He jumped a little as the door creaked.

"It's me," Dracaena whispered, and his face split into a wide smile, tossing his book aside and opening his arms. She dashed to him, snuggling up to his chest as he pressed tender kisses to her hair.

"You managed all of six hours, my love," he murmured, tilting her face to kiss her properly. "Am I truly that irresistible?"

"You are," she replied, nipping his lower lip lightly, and he grinned. "But that's not why I'm here."

He blinked. "Oh."

She kissed him softly. "Not like that, believe me, I'd have been here sooner if it was only you and Sebastian I had to think about. But this was under my pillow." She pulled out the note and handed it to him. Frowning, he traced it with his wand.

"Where would one hide something precious?" he read. "I don't understand."

"Nor me," she said. "But it's from Fotheringham."

That got his attention. He read it over again, his wand so close to the parchment she worried it might ignite.

"How peculiar," he said, sinking back to his pillows and looping an arm around her waist, pulling her close and nuzzling her hair. "I presume now you've shown me you'll be leaving?"

"Like hell," she said, cuddling closer. "Once we're out of Hogwarts and have a home of our own, the first thing we're doing is spending a week in bed."

Ominis chuckled. "I can think of no better way to spend my time," he murmured. "Though I think Sebastian might have something to say about that."

"He shouldn't, the next week's his," she giggled, and Ominis grumbled something under his breath, then nipped the side of her neck. Dracaena stifled another laugh. "I should wake him up really, he needs to know about this too."

"Must you?" Ominis murmured, sliding his hand along her back. "He's out for the count, dove, we could have a little time, surely?"

She chuckled. "Well, yes, but he'd wake up. You're not exactly quiet about how much fun you have, my prince."

He blushed, his lips twisting as he failed to contain a wry grin. "I suppose you have a point. You're good at Silencing Charms, though."

"I don't think that'd matter if your bed moves halfway across the dorm," she laughed, and gently untangled herself from him, pressing a sweet kiss to his lips. "I won't be long."

Ominis hissed something in Parseltongue as she made her way across the dorm, and she paused, turning.

"Did you just say 'tell that to my balls?'"

Ominis' eyes went wide. "You understood me?" he said, sounding utterly horrified.

Dracaena clapped her hands to her mouth to stifle the full belly-laugh that rumbled up through her chest, spluttering into her palms. "No, darling, I just know you really well."

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