Admittance and Acceptance

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It was with no small level of regret that the trio shifted back into themselves again as they approached the castle. Dracaena slid her hand into Ominis', her other hand resting in the crook of Sebastian's elbow, each of them grinning, breathless, still not quite able to believe what they'd done.

A small something within her wanted to shout it out to the world, to scream it loud, to tell everyone and anyone who'd listen just what she'd managed to accomplish, but she stepped on the feeling, shivering a little as a chill wind whipped through their damp clothes.

"No one can know about this," she murmured as they strode through the grounds. "No one. We've got to keep this a secret until it's safe to register."

"Agreed," Ominis said, squeezing her hand. "We just need to figure out what our next step is."

Sebastian nodded. "If I'm right, I'm the only one of us who's been to the Ministry," he said, and the others nodded. "I don't know much about the layout, I only went through the foyer then up to a meeting room. I'm due another meeting with them soon, but I don't know exactly when. I've got to be really careful, but I reckon I can get a good enough idea of it next time I'm there."

"I doubt they'd let you explore," Ominis remarked as they stepped into the entrance hall. "I wouldn't risk running off to have a look, either."

"I'm not daft," Sebastian said, and Ominis hissed something soft that even Dracaena could interpret as scathingly sarcastic. "I'm not! I'm not stupid enough to risk catching their attention! There's maps on the walls and things, I just need to memorise them."

"Do you think you could?" Dracaena asked as they headed for the Central Hall. "I don't think you'd have much time if you don't want to arouse suspicion."

"One thing my parents taught me was how to read quickly, and remember accurately," Sebastian said. "It'll be alright, even if I just get a rough idea, then-"

"Miss Hoctina," came a stern voice.

Dracaena pulled up short, Sebastian and Ominis glancing nervously her way. Pulling a weak smile onto her face, Dracaena turned and faced Professor Sharp, who stood a few metres away with his arms folded, a decidedly unimpressed look on his scarred face.

"I'm glad to see you recovered," he said, his tone deliberately calm.

Dracaena gulped.

"Thank you, sir," she said. "I'm terribly sorry, I don't know what came over me. I suppose my potion ended up curdling?"

"I managed to save it," he replied, running a cool look over Sebastian and Ominis. Sebastian was tense, his shoulders bunched, but Ominis could have been listening to the weather report for all the concern he showed, his face carefully blank. "You should be able to continue your work next class."

"That's... that's good to know," Dracaena forced her smile to brighten. "Thank you, sir, you didn't have to."

Sharp's own smile broadened, though it didn't quite reach his eyes.

"You're fortunate to have such good friends," he said. "I'm pleased you're so well taken care of, Miss Hoctina."

"Yes, well, I'm quite grateful too," she said, taking a small step back. "Sir, if you don't mind, we've got a lot of homework, and... well..."

"Of course," Sharp said. "Although," he called her back as she made to turn and pelt for the stairs. "I have to ask. I stopped by the Hospital Wing when you didn't return. Madam Blainey said you hadn't been there at all. Care to explain?"

Dracaena tensed. "I was unconscious," she hedged. "I wouldn't know."

"Perhaps you can enlighten me, Mr Sallow," Sharp said, turning to him. "Considering the fuss you made, I rather thought that's where you'd be."

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