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Dracaena lay awake for hours, feigning sleep only when Ominis moved to wake Sebastian for his turn to take watch, feeling his warmth leave her for the briefest moment before Ominis took his place, sliding his arms around her and nuzzling into her hair, falling asleep almost instantly. She gazed at the glowing embers of their little fire, wishing she was anywhere but here. It seemed like weeks since she'd seen the sun or smelled fresh air, though it couldn't have been longer than a day or two.

Her mind spun, turning over a hundred different ideas of what the last trial, her trial might entail. The Keeper's trials had been challenging enough, having to fight sentient, glowing statues of terrifying size, solving puzzles and even facing off against a manifestation of Death itself, not to mention taming a bloody graphorn. She screwed up her face, trying to think. The Keeper's trials were set, unchangeable, meant to challenge all aspects of a person's character and capability, but these?

They seemed personal. Ominis had the right of it, she thought, when he said he thought they were linked to the blood magic at the start of it all. His trial had focused on blind navigation and Parseltongue, two gifts he had since birth. Sebastian's was focused on resisting forbidden knowledge, something he had always desired, and had only just managed to overcome.

But her?

Her only unique skill lay in her Ancient Magic, and she didn't know how to use it. What true talents had she? Would she have to use her powers in a specific way?

They'd be doomed if that was the case. Even when she'd tried to bypass the magical traps at the entrance to the cave, she'd only managed to conjure pretty sparkles. Would it mean she and her loves would be trapped forever in this godforsaken place, their salvation and safety inches from them, unreachable because of her obstinate refusal to learn more about this gift she had been bestowed?

Would she have to use her powers for combat? She could do that, at least, even if it wasn't conscious. Perhaps it was foolish to hope for a fight, but she could fight. She could fight damn well, if she gave herself any credit. Yes, Sebastian was the more talented duellist, she only beat him because he'd had no experience of her kind of magic and the power it afforded her usual spells, but she was powerful.

She bit down on a rueful laugh, clamping her eyes shut again as Sebastian twisted, turning at the sound. It seemed too much to hope that she'd be lucky enough to be faced with a battle. Perhaps it would be a puzzle of some kind, like those horrible floating block puzzles she'd had to get through to get Herodiana's outfit? She was smart, she could figure it out, given time.

But what if there wasn't time? Yes, Sebastian could help her with any puzzles, he was cleverer than she was by leagues, but what if he couldn't? What if something prevented him and Ominis from helping her, as they'd all helped each other so far? Would she have to face this alone?

It was with no small amount of relish that she took the last watch, and though her eyes itched to close as Sebastian curled up on the other side of the fire, his hand in hers as she cast her wand about the tunnel. She forced herself to stay awake, to keep thinking, to keep wondering.

After a small, rushed breakfast, the trio rose and packed up their small camp with a wave of their wands, and Dracaena stifled a yawn as they took hands and moved on without a word. The tunnel curved, bending first one way and then the next, their footfalls echoing slightly as they went. Their clothes were wrinkled and dusty, and Dracaena felt she wasn't the only one who was longing for a good, hot shower once all was said and done. Her hair was growing lank, and the tangles would be a nightmare to get out.

She almost laughed as the tunnel began to slope downward. She could be facing the toughest fight she'd ever known, tougher even than Ranrok, and she was worried about her hair? Trust her to get her priorities in order.

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