The Fox and the Headmaster

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Dracaena stored the bottles of Polyjuice potion in the Room of Requirement, accepting a glass of firewhisky from Ominis as she flopped to the sofa.

There was no need for words as he curled up beside her, eventually sliding down to rest his head in her lap, his face pressed against her belly. Natty, Amit and Poppy had all slipped away the hour previous, once they were sure there was no more they could do to help for the time being. For now, it was just them, just her and her prince, awaiting the return of her king the following morning.

"I hope Sebastian's managed to glean something useful," Ominis murmured, as if he'd read her mind.

"I'm sure he has," she replied, sipping from her glass, her other hand resting on his shoulder. She grinned a little, glancing down at him. "You know, Omi... I hesitate to say it, but earlier felt an awful lot like forgiveness."

He chuckled, sliding an arm around her waist. "Really? I'd love to know what an apology from you feels like, then."

"I thought you said repetition was meaningless?" she teased, winding her fingers through his hair, and he glanced up, his expression so similar to Sebastian's puppy-eyes that she snickered. "I suppose if you insist..."

He laughed again, nuzzling against her. "I'm quite content, dove. Perhaps I was somewhat hasty in what I said before... maybe things won't be quite so different."

"They will," she whispered, curving her fingers over his jaw. "I'm going to be better for you, I swear it."

Ominis loosed a soft laugh and shifted, turning onto his back. He stretched, groaning softly.

"I don't want to spoil this, dove, but I really ought to catch up on my studies. I've left my Herbology homework terribly late."

"I hear that," she murmured, draining her drink and summoning her bag. "Much as I wish this bloody year was just done and over with already."

"Don't wish time away," Ominis said, remaining where he was and reaching for his books. "It'll be gone before you know it. I'd much rather stay on here for another year or two. Magic may be infused with every aspect of our lives, but there's a certain special something about this place." He grinned a little, and raised a hand, touching his thumb to her lip. "Or perhaps it's just you."


The night was spent in each other's arms, not on the sofa this time, but in the small bedroom the Room had conjured, their skin enveloped by satin sheets, their minds and bodies full of each other. Dracaena couldn't help but feel blessed, her prince returned to her at last, his loving touch setting her heart aflame as Ominis peppered every inch of skin with sweet kisses, the air filled with his soft moans as she pinned him against the pillows, delighting in everything he was.

Morning came with undue haste, and Dracaena refused to even entertain the idea of rising before ten, Ominis curled beside her, relishing the feel of his bare flesh against hers, her face buried in his tousled hair, his in her neck. She murmured something as a click wove through the heavy curtains of her mind, caught between sleeping and waking, and her eyes dragged open as a low chuckle sounded.

Sebastian stood at the foot of the bed, grinning all over his face.

"Room for one more?" he asked, before yanking off his shirt and diving under the covers. Dracaena laughed in delight, twisting away from Ominis to kiss him as he threw his arms around them both and hugged them tight. Ominis yelped, squirming away and tumbling to the floor.

"Merlin's beard, Sallow!" he cried, yanking half the quilt with him to cover himself. "I told you before, I'm not interested in sharing this!"

"Ah, come on, I'm only playing," Sebastian chuckled, as Dracaena nibbled his neck. "Why so shy? We used to have to shower together in first year through third, remember?"

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