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Dracaena bared her teeth in a snarl as both Sebastian and Ominis leapt in front of her, raising their wands. She took the opportunity to frantically spin her bracelet, praying her friends would know what it meant, and that they'd drop whatever they were doing and come to help.

"Adorable," Rathbone droned, his bored tone at odds with the wary look he gave to Sebastian's wand. "I'm sure you think you can fight your way out of this, but really, is it worth the trouble? All we want is that funny little object you and you dear father seem to know so much about, Miss Hoctina."

Dracaena bristled and shoved her way between her boyfriends, raising her wand and aiming it right between Rathbone's eyes, ignoring the veritable forest of wands that were pointed at her in turn.

"You don't know shit," she spat. "You're full of it!"

Rathbone gave her a lazy, lopsided smile as Harlow stepped up beside him, a vicious glint in his bloodshot eyes.

"Ah, the innocence of youth," Rathbone said, miming wiping away a whimsical tear. "I rather enjoyed playing you three like harps, you know? Children, you're so very predictable."

"We're of age," Sebastian growled. "The fuck do you mean?"

Rathbone's smile grew, and Harlow chuckled nastily. "Why, did you not figure it out? We knew you searched for the same thing as we, and our contacts at the Ministry told us the most interesting things about a supposed break in, then a suspected unregistered animagus..." he glanced at Ominis, who hissed. He suppressed a soft laugh. "Well. It didn't take a genius to figure out that you three had more knowledge than you should, and had learned of Dracus Fotheringham." His face took on a dark cast a moment. "A more difficult man I have never heard of. He is simply impossible to find."

A chill passed through Dracaena.

"You... don't have him?" she whispered, aghast.

"No one can find the bastard," Harlow sneered. "So we gots to thinking. You've always been a tenacious little bitch. You musta known somethin', so we set up camps. We knew you were nosy, so you'd come droppin' yer eaves to see what we knew." His sick grin broadened as Dracaena felt the bottom drop out of her stomach. "Heh, there's that look I love so much. You stupid little cunt, you fell for it."

Dracaena tightened her grip on her wand as the room seemed to tilt. No. It couldn't be...

"We left Ashwinders hiding in the trees," Rathbone said, clearly enjoying her growing distress. "We lost some men, it's true, but it was worth it. For not only did we learn that you know of the Source, but that you, my dear girl, are exactly the person we need to unleash its powers." His smile grew again, the scars on the left side of his face twisting. "I must say, I was impressed by your ruthlessness. You would have made a fine Ashwinder, but all the same, you are foolish. You are not the only unregistered animagus in this castle."

She saw him then, the redheaded professor that had taken over Fig's role in the classroom, his narrow face etched with a vile grin. Professor Reid. An Ashwinder, as they had suspected, and done nothing about.

Dracaena growled, low in her throat, the sound reverberating through the room as her magic pulsed under her skin. Rathbone chuckled again.

"How?" Ominis hissed. "How the hell did you get here?"

Rathbone barely spared him a glance.

"There are plenty of secret ways in and out," he said, inspecting his nails, then he looked back to Dracaena. "Now, I'll make you a deal, girl. Bring me the Source, unlock its powers for me, and I promise I won't let slip that you and your friends are unregistered animagi. I'll let you all go, and perhaps put in a good word for you once a new world order is established." His grin grew to something that would have looked more at home on the Cheshire Cat. "Refuse me, and I'll make you watch while I kill your friends. I won't be quick about it, I can assure you."

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