Melfis Gaunt

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That evening, Dracaena, Ominis and Sebastian perched on the sofa in the Room of Requirement, facing Natsai and Amit. Dracaena fidgeted, resisting the urge to conjure a thin string of Ancient Magic to play with. On her right side, Ominis was as still as stone, his head lowered as he held a steadily cooling cup of tea, and on her left, Sebastian was glowering at the door as if it had insulted him.

"Bassy, please," Dracaena murmured. "I thought we agreed it was for the best?"

"Much as I hate to admit it, he could be useful," Ominis said.

Sebastian's lip twitched towards a curl. "Yeah, fine, but here? You seriously want him to know about this place? He'll tell Prewett!"

"It's the safest place, and Poppy knows how important it is to keep quiet," Dracaena reminded him. "She'll keep him in line, and if he slips up..." she drew a soft breath. "Well. I was hoping you might know some kind of spell to prevent that, or at least leave him with dire consequences."

Sebastian passed her a significant look.

"I do, but I don't think Mum would approve."

Ominis hissed at him just as the door to the Room opened and a beaming Poppy clattered inside, leading Garreth Weasley by the hand. Following them, to their collective surprise, was Imelda.

Garreth's brows shot up into his ginger mop as his jaw dropped, gaping around the wide space with eye-popping awe.

"What in the name of Merlin's scraggly pubes is this place?" he managed. "Hoctina, what the hell? Pop said you made this room? How?"

Dracaena hesitated as Imelda looked about, her expression one of well-disguised admiration.

"Aye, I have to admit, I thought you and that pair were just holing yourself up in random parts of the castle," she said, jerking her head at them. "You're never in the common room, after all. I had no idea somewhere like this existed." She chuckled. "Nice going, Hoctina."

"What are you doing here?" Sebastian demanded, and she raised a cool brow at him.

"I overheard Sweeting telling Weasley that you needed some help," she said. "Considering Hoctina got herself cursed not all that long ago, I thought I might be of assistance."

Dracaena shot Poppy a look, and she shrugged.

"Melly's smart, you know," she said. "She can help."

Imelda shrugged again, then her eyes went wide as an elegant broom hanging on the wall caught her attention, the handle a shining ebony, the seat a stunning, vibrant green, the body inlaid with silver. She dashed to it, hands outstretched, drawing up short just before she reached it.

"You have a Cloud Carver 93?" she gasped. "Merlin's arse! This is the best broom ever made! They're barely out of production, how do you have one?" she spun to face them, her cheeks flushed. "They're using these for the World Cup! I never thought I'd see one, let alone be in the same room! It must have cost you a fortune!"

"It's not mine," Dracaena said, fighting a small smile as Imelda blinked and glanced at Sebastian with uncertainty, frowning when he shook his head. Ominis raised a hand and gave her a wave, a lazy smile on his lips. The three of them managed about three second's worth of silence as Imelda tried to process this, her mouth falling open, then they fell about laughing.

"The Room makes things you want," Sebastian explained between chuckles. "Reyes, I get the feeling it made that for you."

"I... what?" she drew a breath and turned back to the broom, undisguised hunger in her eyes. "Hoctina, if that's true..."

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