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"That... that wasn't Anne," Ominis said, softly. "It can't have been. It didn't sound like her at all."

Sebastian didn't answer. He'd returned to his seat, his hand finding Drac's again, but he didn't feel the warmth of her skin against his as silent tears streamed down his face. He didn't feel anything at all.

Everything Anne had said had been right. He was worthless, all his decisions landing her here, in pain and alone with no one to turn to. He deserved her ire, he deserved her anger, hell, he deserved worse. He wouldn't stop looking to cure her, not now he'd seen how awful she looked, not now she was so thin and haggard. The only thing she'd got wrong was his reasoning. He'd done it all for her. He'd see her well again if it was the last thing he-

"Sebastian?" Ominis' shoes appeared in his field of vision. They shifted as he perched on the edge of Dracaena's bed. "Forgive me, this is probably a stupid question, but... are you alright?"

He took a slow breath.

"Yeah. You're right mate, I don't think that was her."

He knew better, of course. But it was the only way to keep the screaming despair in his chest contained, the only way to hold himself together for his best friend and Drac. If he could convince himself the creature in the wheelchair wasn't his twin, simply some boggart, perhaps, then he'd be able to keep going. Keep looking. He'd find a way to bring her back from whatever it was that made her this way, and everything would be alright. She'd forgive him if he made the pain go away. Even if she didn't, it'd be enough to know she wasn't suffering.

He hadn't expected her to look the way she did. So thin, so weak, so... so full of hate. Hate for him. Hate he deserved. He winced, baring his teeth as the sorrow and pain began to gather behind his eyes, flowing into his neck and shoulders and burning there.

Ominis rested a hand on his shoulder, and he took a slow breath. The other, he noticed, was on Dracaena's hip. He tensed, and rose, taking Ominis by the arm and tugging him up as well.

"Weasley'll be back soon," he said, rubbing his sleeve over his face. "We should go and wait for her."

"But..." Ominis turned his head. "What about Dracaena?"

Sebastian glanced at her, longing to pull her to him and kiss her, to brush her hair back from her face and hear her soft breath in his ear, her arms around his neck, a deep and visceral ache to see her wake so he could take her in his arms again and tell her everything he'd meant to say from the moment he'd met her.

"She'll be fine," he muttered. "I can't be here anymore."

Ominis gave a single nod.

"I understand," he said, turning back to Drac and leaning down. Sebastian watched, a muscle jumping in his cheek as Ominis bent and whispered something in her ear, before rising and striding for the door.

Sebastian chased after him.

"What did you say to her?"

"Get well soon," Ominis replied, his tone neutral. He sighed. "I rather fear what you said before is true, Sebastian. I may have some significant trouble brewing in my future because of the statement I gave, and I have my doubts they'll suffer any consequences if Gideon gets involved, which he most likely will. My family are going to be out for blood, and I'd rather not get caught in the line of fire. Nor do I have any desire to see Dracaena hurt again."

"You've got me," Sebastian said. "I'd like to see them get past me. I won't let them hurt you, or Drac." He forced out a tiny laugh. "That said, you handled yourself pretty well earlier."

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