A Promise Made

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The following day saw Dracaena rise late. She rolled out of bed, groping for her clothes before stumbling towards the seventh-year boy's dorm. She paused at the top of the steps between the two dorms, looking out over the common room. It was mostly empty, a few students lounging by the fire or by the tall windows, their hands cupped to the glass, peering into the murky depths of the lake.

She smiled a little. She'd first met Ominis by those windows as he listened to the gaggle of first-years muttering about mermaids, smirking a little to himself as he played along, winding them up. And there, by the fire, she'd met Sebastian, pacing irritably, his head buried in a book until she'd approached. Such a simple time. A happy time. A time before none of them knew what fate held in store for them.

She rapped lightly on the boy's door and pushed it open, poking her head around.

Ominis was already halfway across the room, still in his pyjamas and barefoot. He whipped around as she entered.

"Dracaena?" his voice was low, his brow creased with worry as he raised a finger to his lips. "Shh. Sebastian's having another nightmare. You should probably wait outside."

Concerned, Dracaena turned to the other bed, where Sebastian was curled in a tight ball under the covers, shivering violently. Ignoring Ominis, she rushed over and knelt by the bedside.

"Bassy?" she whispered, raising a hand to his forehead, damp with perspiration. "Wake up, you're having a bad dream."

He groaned softly, his brows drawn together, his teeth bared, his hands rising to cover his head, his fingers digging into his hair.

"No..." he murmured. "No... no more..."

"Sebastian!" she gripped his shoulder as Ominis approached. "Wake up!"

"He won't," Ominis murmured. "He doesn't wake up until it's over. I-I don't know how to help him."

She turned, staring up. Ominis was hugging himself, gazing in Sebastian's direction, his eyes wide and fearful. He bit his lip. "It's best if you go. He... he can get a bit violent."

"I'm not going anywhere," Dracaena replied, reaching out and taking Sebastian's hand as he whimpered, stirring in his sleep. "God, Ominis... what made him like this?"

"Azkaban," he replied, his voice low. "I'll never forgive myself."

Sebastian began to stir more vigorously, his breathing quickening as he began to thrash, a low, howling moan building in his throat. Ominis reached out and tugged Dracaena back, and not a moment too soon, for Sebastian lurched upright with a terrified scream, his fists lashing before him, scrambling back and crashing into the wall. He stared around wildly, panting, his lips drawn back in a snarl, until his eyes landed on Dracaena and Ominis. He blinked, his vision clearing, and he winced.

"Sebastian," Dracaena began, rising.

"Good morning," he said, pulling a painful smile onto his face. "Time for breakfast already?"

"I... yes, but-"

"Good, I'm starving." He threw the covers off and strode towards the adjoining bathroom, glancing over his shoulder. "Wait for me in the common room? I need a shower."

The door slammed.

Dracaena turned to Ominis. "I... what just happened?"

Ominis shook his head, his hand on her shoulder. "Probably best if we don't mention it," he said, softly. "He'll talk about it in his own time."

"The hell he will," she replied. "Did you not see how he just brushed us off?"

"Marvellous choice of words," Ominis said, dryly, and she elbowed him in the ribs. "Ow! I get your point, Hoctina, no need for that."

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