Aches and Pains 🌶️

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The trio headed towards their dorms to pack for the following morning's journey to Gran's cottage. They had just reached the Grand Staircase when Professor Weasley called out to them, a concerned frown on her brow. Dracaena, Ominis and Sebastian all froze, and tried their best to look innocent.

"I'm glad I found you," Professor Weasley said. "I have the feeling I've been needing to speak to you all about something very important, though I can't for the life of me remember why."

They shared a relieved look.

"Was it about homework?" Dracaena offered.

"Possibly, you weren't in class today," Professor Weasley eyed her and Ominis.

"That's because you said we could all go and visit Anne," Sebastian said, quickly. "Remember, Professor? She'd asked to see me, and you gave us the day to go."

Professor Weasley's brows drew closer together. "I did?"

"Yeah," Dracaena nodded fervently. "She's really not well. Sebastian was worried."

Sebastian gave a weak smile as Professor Weasley turned to him, his hand rising almost unconsciously to his ribcage. "I see. How is she, Sebastian?"

"She's been better," he hedged. "Thanks for letting us go, I think it really helped."

"Did we miss anything vital?" Ominis asked.

Professor Weasley peered at them all, still frowning, as though they were a most vexing puzzle.

"No... nothing you can't catch up on. I'll send your homework on to your grandmother's, Miss Hoctina, from all your classes, as I will for Mr Sallow and Mr Gaunt," she said, after an uncomfortable silence. "I presume your grandmother is unfamiliar with owl post?"

"Yeah," Dracaena said. "She'd probably be a bit confused if an owl flew into the kitchen in the middle of the day."

"I shall endeavour to use the muggle post office, then," Professor Weasley replied. "Enjoy your break." Still looking somewhat like she'd been hit with a Confundus charm, she moved away, throwing an occasional look back over her shoulder at them.

"Well done, Sebastian," Ominis said, as they headed towards the dungeons. "That was some rather quick thinking."

Dracaena glanced at him. "Sorry I said Anne wasn't doing well," she said. "I thought it best to build on what you said."

"It was a good excuse," he said, a little distantly. "I just hope we've not jinxed anything." He gave a low laugh, his hand still resting on his side. "At least that confirms it, though. Fotheringham's been and gone, and done what he promised."

"That only lends credence to the idea that he'll make good on his threat, too," Ominis said, biting his lip.

"Well, it's like I said, we're not going to worry about it over the holidays," Dracaena said. "I think we'll have enough going on with preparing for the NEWTs."

Rushing into their dorms, they packed quickly, Dracaena throwing all she could into her suitcase and propping it at the end of her bed before hurrying to the boy's dorm and helping them gather the last of their things. Their cases packed, they glanced around.

"So," Sebastian said, casually. "Back up to the Room, or...?" he glanced at Dracaena, and tilted his head subtly towards his bed.

"It is an awfully long way up," she said, trailing her gaze over him from head to toe, and he grinned, his cheeks flushing under his freckles. "Perhaps we could stay here."

Ominis turned his head slightly. "Do you think anyone would notice if we moved the beds together? I'll admit, the thought of sleeping alone is somewhat daunting. I've become rather used to your comfort, dove."

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