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Dracaena found her partners seated just outside the tiny tavern in Pitt-Upon-Ford, nursing generous glasses of firewhisky, a third waiting for her, tiny drops of crystal condensation glimmering on the outside of the glass, catching the winking torchlight. She paused just inside the treeline, watching them. They didn't seem to be speaking, and both of their heads were lowered. She closed her eyes and sighed, a sickness roiling in her gut.

It was necessary, she told herself. You know that. They know that. The fate of the world matters more than a single life.

Taking a steadying breath, she marched out, and her boyfriends raised their heads. To her unending relief, they both smiled, though Ominis' seemed rather forced.

"You're alright," Sebastian said, pulling her into a tight hug. Ominis joined it with mild hesitation, resting his head on her shoulder.

"Of course I am," she said, her own smile forced. "Just... yeah. You know. Traumatised."

They sank to the table, side by side.

"That makes three of us," Ominis said, pushing her drink towards her. He sighed, resting his head in his hand. "Before you say anything, I don't want to know. I just need to know that it was worth it."

"It was," she said, as Sebastian shuffled closer and looped an arm around her waist. "It... well. It's not great news. It's better than I thought, but it's still not good."

"Hang on," Sebastian said, pulling a handkerchief out of his pocket. "You've still got blood on your face, Drac."

"Shit, I thought I got it all," she swiped at it, noticing for the first time the cloying tang of copper in her mouth. She grimaced. It had tasted a hell of a lot better when she was a panther, but now, her stomach churned, and she twisted, spitting delicately on the ground.

"You've got a cut on your side as well," Ominis said, his hand gliding over her ribs. "Is it bad?"

"Nah, Episkey got most of it," she said. "I'll finish up with some wiggenweld when we're back. Were either of you hurt?"

"No, thankfully, though it was a near miss more than once," Ominis shook his head. "What were you thinking?"

"I singed my tail when that git landed in the fire," Sebastian grumbled. "But yeah, seconded. Why'd you go for them, love? We'd have stood a better chance if we'd been ourselves."

She looked down at her drink.

"I... wasn't," she said. "I heard they had Fotheringham, and... I don't know. I barely know him, but he's still my father. I'm sorry, I should have taken a moment to calm down."

"Yeah, you should, and that's coming from me," Sebastian said. "What if the Ashwinders go back to the camp? Did you... you know. Clean up?"

"It looks like an animal attack," she replied, dully. "They won't know it's us. Honestly, once I got my answers, I just wanted to get back to you two."

"Remind me never to make you angry," Ominis said, turning away. He shivered, gripping his sleeves. "Just... please don't ever do anything like that again. I understand why you did it, dove, I know it was necessary, but..."

Dracaena drew a soft breath.

"He spilled his guts the moment you left," she lied. "I didn't have to do anything, all that crap I said before, it was all an act to scare him. It worked. I... didn't have to do anything."

Ominis practically whined with relief, turning to her at last and winding his arms around her as he pressed a soft kiss to her neck. "Thank Merlin."

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