Dungbombs & Deductions

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"Oh, look at this," Dracaena said, propping the Daily Prophet up against the milk jug. "Faris Spavin, Minister for Magic, steps down in unprecedented move, citing a desire to travel to the Canary Isles!"

"Odd," Ominis said. "He seemed rather set on remaining in post until he died. I wonder what changed?"

"Maybe he wanted a suntan," Sebastian shrugged, around a mouthful of toast and marmalade. "Does it say who's succeeded him?"

"Yeah, someone called Gideon Nott," Dracaena replied, scanning the article.

"Nott?" Ominis repeated, frowning. "Oh dear."

"Oh dear?"

Ominis' mouth twisted, and he pushed his plate away, wrapping his hands around his cup of tea. "Gideon's an old family friend," he said, darkly. "I'm sure that should tell you all you need to know about him."

Dracaena glanced at Sebastian, who frowned.

"Isn't he the same Gideon Nott who tried to make muggle-hunting a legal sport?" he asked.

"The same," Ominis glowered at the table. "Thankfully, it never even made it to discussion by the Wizengamot." He shuddered. "I dread to think what horrible things he's going to try to push through now he's Minister."

"There has to be some regulation in place," Dracaena said. "Surely he won't just be able to push through whatever bills and acts he likes."

"True, but it'll be an awful lot easier for him to do it," Ominis shook his head. "I'm not one to wish ill on anyone, but..."

Sebastian faked a loud cough that sounded an awful lot like "Duncan Hobhouse!"

Ominis shot a look in his direction. "But, I wouldn't lose any sleep if someone managed to hex Nott in his sleep," he finished.

After breakfast, Sebastian headed off for History of Magic, and Ominis sidled up to Dracaena.

"Would you mind accompanying me to the Owlery?" he asked. "I've written to Anne, including Sebastian's message, and I'd rather choose a reliable school owl. They can be somewhat temperamental, if you get the wrong one."

"Of course," Dracaena smiled, and they made their way out of the Great Hall. "Thank you for doing this."

"Doing what?"

"This kindness for Sebastian. I'm sure it'll mean the world to him."

Ominis twisted his mouth. "Yes, well, he is my friend, after all, even if he can be extremely disagreeable at times. I'm certain Anne won't be particularly happy with me, but she is his sister. I can't imagine what he's gone through. You were right, Dracaena."


"That he needs kindness. Merlin knows I'm trying, but he doesn't always make it easy."

Dracaena chuckled and offered her arm as they left the castle. Ominis slid his hand into the crook of her elbow and they passed through the grounds, walking side by side. Dracaena waved to Natsai and Poppy, who were lounging by the fountain. They waved back, smiling.

"What did you put in your letter?" she asked as they walked.

"The usual," Ominis replied. "Asking after her health, her activities. Telling her a little of life here, what I've been getting up to with you. I... I do tend not to mention Sebastian so much. Once I told her he'd returned, her reply was rather clipped. I thought it best to allow her to set the pace."

"What did you say about him in this one?"

"Just that he misses her and is deeply remorseful of everything he did," Ominis said. "That he wants to get in touch, but will wait for her word. Even that, I feel, might upset her. I'm wary of doing so, I don't want to make things harder for her than they already are."

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