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Two days later, Dracaena was serving her second night of detention in the dungeons. It admittedly provided a good excuse to catch up on her homework with no distractions, but it was decidedly uncomfortable down here, the desks old and splintery, the stone walls leeching any ounce of warmth out of the room, leaving her shivering, eyeing the ancient manacles still attached to the walls with mild apprehension. At the head of the dingy room, Professor Sharp scratched at a piece of parchment with his quill, the only sound in the stillness of the dungeon. She curled her tongue up to touch the mandrake leaf, as she did every so often, reassuring herself that it was still there.

Dracaena jumped as the heavy wooden door opened, and Professor Ronen poked his head around.

"One more for you, Aesop," he said, and opened the door wider. Dracaena's jaw dropped as Ominis came in, smirking. He made a beeline for her and settled next to her, drawing out his textbooks.

"What are you doing here?" she whispered.

He chuckled. "I rather felt a few docked house points and a detention wasn't enough for Weasley's malicious little joke," he said. "I found him lounging around and transfigured the cushion he was sitting on into a porcupine. Apparently, Madam Blainey is still plucking quills out of his backside."

Dracaena spluttered a laugh, stifling it as Sharp glared over at them. "Ominis! You rascal!"

He grinned. "Yes, well, my intention was twofold," he admitted, lowering his voice. "I haven't had a moment alone with you since... well." His cheeks went pink, still smiling.

Dracaena touched his hand. "I'll admit, I've been thinking about that a lot," she whispered. "Usually at night."

Ominis' blush deepened to crimson. His throat bobbed. "I'd... like to hear more."

Dracaena smirked, then turned as the door opened again. Professor Hecat strode inside, Sebastian at her heels.

"Aesop, another," she said, shaking her head as Sebastian hurried over, taking a seat on Dracaena's other side. Ominis' smile fell away.

"What are you doing here?" he demanded.

Sebastian laughed.

"Prewett kept needling me about the Dementor," he said. "So I followed him into the bathroom and blew up the toilet while he was using it."

"Oh, Bassy," Dracaena said, giggling. "Only you."

He grinned. "It was pretty great, he hit the ceiling," he said, leaning into them. "But really, I didn't want to be on my own. When I heard Ominis had earned himself a detention as well, I thought why not? At least we'll all be together."

Ominis turned away. "So considerate," he muttered. "I'm truly blessed to have a friend so caring."

Sebastian chuckled. "You'd have missed me otherwise," he said. He glanced down at Dracaena's hand, her knuckles still bruised. His grin widened, and the look he gave her, one of searing heat and ravenous hunger told her exactly what he thought of her punching Prewett squarely between the eyes. She grinned back.

Professor Sharp cleared his throat.

"I shouldn't have to remind you, but you are being punished," he said. "This is not an opportunity to socialise."

"Sorry, sir," Sebastian said. "Am I going to get detention?"


The weekend arrived, and Dracaena stood at the window in the Room, overlooking the frosty grounds below as behind her, Sebastian and Ominis practiced their duelling. She flicked an ember off her shoulder as Sebastian cast an enthusiastic Confringo, her eyes on the cloudy sky. The weather had been moody and grey for the whole week, and she crossed her fingers, hoping that by the time the full moon arrived, the sky would be clear. If they had to wait another month to brew the potion, she shuddered to think what the Ashwinders might do in that time.

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