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"What's wrong?" Sebastian asked as Dracaena plonked their tankards on the table, her face set in a grim cast. "Sirona put her prices up?"

She shook her head and clambered over Ominis' lap to sit between them. They leaned into her.

"People have been asking about us," she whispered. "Sirona thinks they're Dark wizards, probably Ashwinders."

Ominis' jaw went tight, and he tilted his head uneasily, sweeping his wand about the crowded pub.

"Are we safe here?" he asked.

"Yeah," she replied. "Sirona's got our backs."

"She always has," Sebastian agreed, his brow lowered as he glared around them. "That's not to say trouble won't start. Maybe we should go."

Dracaena nodded and began to rise, her butterbeer untouched, when Natsai and Amit appeared, edging through the throng, followed closely by Poppy and Garreth, all of them grinning, the welcome sight of them spoiled only by a surly looking Leander bringing up the rear. Dracaena forced a smile onto her face, leaning over to hug Natty, Poppy and Amit, grateful when Garreth simply waved. Poppy flopped over the table to hug Sebastian and Ominis as well, surprising them both, and they took their seats as Garreth and Amit headed to the bar, Leander following, seemingly loath to stay behind.

"It is good to see you," Natty said, adjusting her colourful blouse. "Though I have to ask, is all well? You all look nervous."

"We're quite alright, thank you," Ominis said, as Dracaena opened her mouth. She closed it and shot him a look. Oblivious to this, Ominis tilted his head. "And yourselves?"

"Revision sucks," Poppy said emphatically. "I wouldn't bother, I don't care about my grades, but Professor Howin said I need good marks if I want to start my own department at the Ministry."

Sebastian's brows went up as Dracaena sat back, impressed.

"Your own department?" he echoed. "Bloody hell Pop, that's ambitious."

She nodded, grinning a little. "There's no department for looking after beasts," she explained. "Like stopping poaching and stuff, there's only the Department for the Control of Magical Creatures." She scoffed. "Control! Nothing about care or protection, so I want to start one."

"I wish you all the best," Ominis said. "I imagine your passion for the topic would override any lacking grades."

"That's what I thought," Poppy said. "But Professor Howin said the Ministry only cares about academic success, so I need to prove I'm smart."

"Indeed," Natty said, resting a hand on Poppy's as their boyfriends and Leander came back, clutching a brace of tankards. "My mother believes I should follow in her footsteps, even though I dropped Divination. I am more concerned with attempting to become an Auror."

"Me too!" Dracaena said. "We could do it together."

Natty grinned. "I would like this, I think. The Auror exams, according to Professor Sharp, are supposed to be most difficult."

"Aha, I know what I'm doing," Garreth flopped down beside Poppy, chuckled, and threw his arms wide. "Potions extraordinary and fantastical, brews you've never dreamed of, all free for the taking!" he tilted his head. "Well, not free, I bet I could charge a pretty knut or two for my best mixes."

"Garreth wants to open his own potions shop," Poppy said, beaming.

"I'd suggest you get good insurance," Ominis said, sipping his butterbeer delicately.

Across the pub, someone dropped their tankard. The loud clunk followed by the traditional wahey! from the other patrons made Dracaena, Sebastian and Ominis jump. She and Sebastian glanced around uneasily, and Ominis' hand clenched on his tankard.

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