The Fake Inferus

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Dracaena hurried through the castle, seeking Natsai, the copy of the Daily Prophet burning a hole in her pocket. She soon found her huddled in an armchair in the sitting area at the foot of the Astronomy Staircase. She jumped as Dracaena approached, her eyes wide.

"Natty," she dropped into the chair next to her. "I'm guessing you saw the paper, about Harlow."

Natsai nodded, her throat working. "I did. I am confounded that such a person was released from Azkaban, and on such a flimsy excuse! I am certain there is more to it than the paper has reported." She shivered, gripping her arms. Dracaena dragged her chair a little closer and laid a hand on her shoulder.

"It's going to be alright," she said. "He's out on bail, he's not been fully released. It's just while they gather evidence against him."

"As if cursing me and trying to kill you was not enough," Natsai shook her head. "Officer Singer saw it, as did my mother. We all gave our statements. It was more than enough to see him serve several life sentences, but now he walks free! What is this world coming to?"

"It's madness," Dracaena agreed. "Though I don't know how much Singer's word counted for, she was completely useless when we were trying to bring them down in the first place."

Natsai nodded. "It is most concerning," she said. "My mother is beside herself with fear. She is worried that, because of the part I played in disrupting Harlow and Rookwood's operations, that he will seek me out for vengeance."

"Surely not," Dracaena said. "If he's going to go after anyone, it'd be me, Natty. I was the one who destroyed Rookwood, who interrupted all the poaching, who was instrumental in bringing them down! I bet they've forgotten all about you."

"My mother does not think so," Natsai said, her full lips turned down as she glanced nervously around the sitting area. "She was speaking earlier of returning to Matabeleland, where it might be safer for me."

Dracaena frowned. "Before your NEWTs?"

"Yes. I told her I am not in a position to travel away so soon before these exams, but she is consumed by fear for my safety. She has been locked away in her tower, staring into her crystal ball and her tealeaves since she got the news. She has done readings for us both."

"Both of us?"

"Yes, you were involved as well, and her concern stretches to you."

"Did she see anything?"

Natsai managed a smile. "You know my mother. She may see glimpses of the future, but her inner eye has always been clouded when it comes to my safety, and she often sees shadows that are nothing more than a trick of the light. But this time, I feel her concern is justified. She said she sees danger, in both our futures."

Dracaena tried to smile.

"Well, that's no news to me," she said. "I'm usually involved in some kind of trouble or another."

Natsai's smile was small, and brave.

"Ah, this is very true of you. But if my mother has truly seen the future, and not just what her fears are telling her to see, you must be on your guard. I am trying to convince her that Hogwarts is far safer than Matabeleland, and I have no plans to re-enact my actions of fifth-year. I am older now, and know better."

"I hope you stay," Dracaena said, squeezing her forearm. "Hogwarts wouldn't be the same without you."

"Nor you," Natsai grinned at her, some of the trepidation in her eyes fading. "I feel a little better, knowing that I am not alone with this. Harlow would think twice before attempting to duel you, I think."

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