The Flight

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Dracaena burst into the Room of Requirement, tugging Ominis behind her before she pulled up short, staring around, breathing hard. She straightened, her eyes widening.

"Ominis, I think I know how he left," she said.

In the opposite wall stood a large archway, open to the sky. A light breeze blew through, ruffling scattered pages across the floor. Dracaena dashed to her seaside vivarium, scanning inside. Caligo and Highwing raised their heads questioningly. She pulled back and sprinted to the Swamp vivarium as Ominis cautiously approached the open archway, stopping a few feet from the edge. Dracaena dived into the vivarium, staring around, before leaping back into the main Room.

"Sepulchria's missing," she gasped, running to Ominis.

"What? Your Thestral?"

"Yes," she said. "I think Sebastian took her."

"Merlin's beard," he muttered, raising a hand to his head. "How on earth are we supposed to find him now?"

"Follow him," Dracaena said. "Search everywhere."

Ominis glanced her way. "Dracaena, they're watching the Floo Network. If we start popping up in random fireplaces, they'll know he's gone, and hunt him down all the quicker."

"Then we fly," she said, rushing back to the seaside vivarium and calling to Highwing. She rose, galloping towards her and pushing through into the main Room. Dracaena ran back, vaulting over the railing and heading to Ominis, Highwing following close behind. He'd gone very pale.

"I... don't think that's a good idea," he said. "I can't fly a broom, you know this!"

"We're taking Highwing," Dracaena said. "She can carry us both."

"Maybe I should stay here," Ominis said, backing away. "In case he comes back. I can warn him that way."

"Don't be ridiculous! I need your help." Dracaena took him by the shoulders. "I promise, it'll be fine. Please, Ominis."

He shivered. "Merlin, Dracaena, do we really have to?"

"Yes!" she cried, tugging him forward as Highwing knelt. She pushed him, encouraging him to climb onto her back. He managed, hooking his legs behind her wing joints, grasping handfuls of Highwing's feathers, looking rather unwell. Dracaena scrambled up in front of him, and he wrapped his arms around her middle, clinging tight.

"I swear, Dracaena, you owe me for this."

"I'll give you anything you want, as soon as Sebastian's safe," she said. Highwing got to her feet, just as the door burst open. Professor Weasley stood there, panting.

"What on earth are you two doing?" she cried, rushing forward.

"Trying to save our friend," Dracaena said. "Professor, he's innocent. We need to find him before they do."

"Get down this instant!" she said, advancing. "If Sebastian has truly done nothing wrong, then-"

"He won't learn that until we find him," Dracaena replied. "He probably thinks they've come to take him back to Azkaban, and panicked! Please, Professor. You know he's innocent. Stall them."

She dug her heels into Highwing's sides. With a screech, she reared, and Ominis yelped as she barrelled towards the archway, her wings extending as she leapt into the night sky, leaving Professor Weasley behind.

For a second, they were falling, and Ominis yelled, burying his face in Dracaena's hair, then Highwing drove her wings down, and they were flying.

Dracaena leaned forward, urging the Hippogriff to fly faster as Ominis set up an impressively violent bout of hissing behind her. She almost laughed, wishing she could understand.

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