A Tail to Hogsmeade

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The first weekend of the term arrived at last, and Dracaena sprang out of bed with more vigour than was truly warranted, considering the late nights she had spent finishing her essays, determined to go into the weekend with nothing more to worry about that what she was going to wear.

She clattered around the dorm, humming to herself, pulling out a variety of blouses, skirts, and autumn-coloured dresses, until Imelda threw a pillow at her and she settled on a simple pair of tan trousers, dark boots, a cream blouse and her green, tartan jacket. She affixed a long bow around her neck, and with a grin, hurried out to Sebastian and Ominis' dorm. She didn't bother knocking.

"Morning!" she said, brightly, lighting the lamp with a wave of her wand. Sebastian groaned and burrowed under the covers as Ominis stirred on the opposite side of the room, struggling to sit up.

"What time is it?" Ominis managed, groping for his wand.

"Just after eight," Dracaena replied, grabbing Sebastian's quilt and trying to pull it off. He clung on, trying to bat her hands away, protesting sleepily. "Come on, let's get breakfast! We've got the whole weekend to ourselves!"

"Speak for yourself," Ominis sat up properly, yawning, his hair falling over his forehead. "I've still got six inches of Herbology and ten of Transfiguration homework to write."

"Oh, come on, we can have a day! Sebastian, get up!" She grabbed his pillow and tried to beat him about the head with it, climbing onto the bed to get a better angle. "Didn't you say you wanted to get out and about and explore?"

Sebastian slung an arm out from under the covers, hooking it around her middle and yanking her down to the mattress. She squeaked as she tumbled down, landing beside him. He clamped his arm around her and snuggled close.

"Five more minutes," he mumbled.

Dracaena hit him with the pillow again.

Ominis rose, stretching. "Do your best to get him up, it usually takes me at least five attempts," he said, pulling out his clothes and disappearing into the adjoining bathroom.

Dracaena wriggled, trying to sit up, but Sebastian had an iron grip around her waist, his breath warm against her shoulder. "Come on, Bassy. We'll go to Hogsmeade, have a good wander around, maybe pop in to the Three Broomsticks and say hello to Sirona. What do you say?"

"I say we stay right here," he mumbled. "Here is good."

"Out there is better."

He shook his head, pulling her closer. "Warm. Sleepy."

He was very warm. And it was admittedly comfortable. The late nights of the past week reared their head, and for a moment, Dracaena was tempted to settle down, to catch perhaps half an hour of gentle dozing, Sebastian's arm around her, his cheek resting on her shoulder...

She turned her head slightly, glancing at him. His eyes were half-lidded, gazing at her, a small smile on his lips. He raised his head, half an inch from the pillow, and she turned towards him a little more.

The door opened and Ominis returned, his hair brushed, wearing a neat pair of dark trousers and an emerald waistcoat over a coal grey shirt. Dracaena jumped and tried to sit up, Sebastian huddling back down.

"Any luck getting him up?"

"Not yet, we're still in bed."

Ominis blinked, his brows drawing together in a small, slow frown. "...We?"

With a mumble, Sebastian released her, and she hopped up, snatching the quilt as she did.

"Up," she commanded. "Or I'll use this as a perfect opportunity to practice Aguamenti."

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